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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 

At 3:00 am, the meeting finally ended

Carlisle took the two out for a barbecue and then hurried back to the studio in Riverland to catch some 


The next day, Sunny woke him up. Having slept for only two to three hours, Carlisle could barely keep his 

eyes open

Sunny reminded him, Boss, you’re going to be late for training!” 

What time is it?Carlisle mumbled, hoping to sleep a little longer

It’s 7:30 am. You have half an hour left.” 

Carlisle sat bolt upright abruptly. Damn, it’s military training today!” 

He hurriedly put on his shoes and asked, How are things going on your end? Did we secure the contract with Riverwatch Hotel?” 

We’ve scheduled to sign the contract today. Would you like to come along?” 

I’ll pass. I’m sure you can handle it well!” 

After tying his shoelaces, he dashed out. When he was at the door, he realized his pockets were empty

He went back to the couch to grab his phone and then borrowed some cash from Sunny to take a cab

At 8:05 am, Carlisle arrived at the university

As soon as he got out of the car, he could see a crowd of students in camouflage uniforms on the field

Carlisle’s military uniform was in the dormitory, so he had to go back there first

As he passed by the field, he saw the group his classmates were in

There were over 100 students in this group. It was probably a combined military group for the two E- 

commerce classes

When Carlisle looked over, he found Lawrence and the other students glaring at him

He tensed up as he hurried to the dormitory

Lawrence turned to the students and said, Don’t worry, we still have time. Let’s wait for him a little longer

The students were speechless. They were silently cursing Carlisle

They had been standing in formation since 7:00 am because of him being late

On the other hand, Wanda looked adorable even with the training hat and uniform on. Herhair was in cute double buns

Chopra T41 

However, after standing in formation for an hour, she was beginning to frown. Her body swayed as if she could collapse at any moment

After changing into his uniform, Carlisle hurried back to the field

Sir, I’m sorry that I’m late. I deserve punishment!” 

Carlisle stood up straight, ready to accept his punishment

Seeing that Carlisle had a good attitude, Lawrence smiled and said, It’s the first day of military training

so it’s normal to be late

I wasn’t going to punish you, but I’m afraid the rest will be angry. So, I’ll give you a small punishment.” 

After saying that, Lawrence turned to the students and asked, How do you think we should punish him

Make him do 50 pushups!” 

That’s way too little. My legs are numb from standing, so let’s start with 200!” 

200 is not enough. He can do 300!” 


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