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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 159

Chapter 159 

We’re all family here, so there’s no need to say more. Please help me talk to Josie. Lethan spoke in at gentle tone

Now that Quinn wasn’t interfering anymore, he only wanted to reconcile with his family, but Josie had never forgiven him

Shania felt conflicted. Hm, I’ll talk to her.” 

In truth, Josie had long forgiven Lethan. She was keeping her distance from him to avoid involving him in the business battle between her husband and Yuriel

Although her husband seemed to have a good relationship with Yuriel, the two men were actually sitting on a powder keg 

It wouldn’t just be a simple business competition when the day came for them to tear each other apart

Yuriel was sipping tea in his office at Evermore Properties. Several company executives were fawning 

over him

Mr. Gust’s predictions are simply astounding! You actually foresaw Riverwatch District’s development in advance!” 

Mr. Gust’s business acumen is beyond compare! We can’t even hope to match it!” 

“If we could secure Riverwatch District’s entire market share, Evermore Properties would reign supreme in the real estate industry in Riverland!” 

Yuriel drank his tea, his face devoid of the expected joy

When he received the news, he immediately contacted the Evermore Properties Real Estate branch in Riverwatch District to acquire all the idle properties

However, the message from the Riverwatch branch stated that there were no idle properties in the entire district

After inquiring with the branch manager, it was revealed that someone had bought all the idle properties in Riverwatch District three days ago

This meant someone had received news of Riverwatch District’s development plans three days in advance

Who could this person be

The landline was ringing. Yuriel picked up the phone

Mr. Gust, it’s a young man named Carlislel” 


Chapter 159 

Yuriel furrowed his brows slightly. Could it be Carlisle from Riverland University?” 

The voice on the other end said, That’s him!” 

Yuriel looked bewildered. How did he know about the development plans for Riverwatch District?” 

It’s very likely that he has connections in Lumina!” 

Yuriel was about to respond when his desktop phone screen lit up

Initially, Yuriel intended to ignore the call, but upon seeing the caller ID labeled Mayor, he quickly hung up the landline

He then swiftly picked up his mobile phone and stood up with a smile. “Mr. Ross. Why are you personally calling me?” 

There’s a bidding conference this afternoon. Can you make it?” 

Yes, I’ll make time for 


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