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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 

Both Heath and Francis, smoking by the window, were startled. They exchanged glances and then walked over to Sunny

Sunny, what’s going on?” 

When Francis saw the content of that post, he jumped int shock

Heath, unaware that Carlisle had bought properties in Riverwatch District, looked at the two of them with confusion

Sunny took deep breaths, trying his best to calm himself down

Riverwatch District was really going to be developed

Carlisle had bought properties worth eight million, and now they had multiplied by five. That meant they could sell for over 40 million

Sunny couldn’t help but shiver thinking of this figure

He suddenly remembered what Carlisle had said to him

Work hard with me, and you’ll earn more than four million in the future!” 

He hadn’t taken it seriously then, thinking Carlisle was just brainwashing him

But now, Sunny believed it

Carlisle was just a freshman in college and only 18 years old, but he dared to invest all his assets

Moreover, he had turned eight million into 40 million within three days

He displayed remarkable courage and business acumen! He would surely be on par with Yuriel in the 


Francis lit a cigarette, his lips quivering as he said, It seems I didn’t choose the wrong person to follow.” 

Heath, looking puzzled, said, ButWhat does Riverwatch District’s development have to do with us?” 

Sunny took a deep breath and asked, What if I told you that Boss bought properties worth 8 million in 

Riverwatch District?” 


Heath’s cigarette fell to the ground, his eyes wide with disbelief. Are you kidding me?” 

Sunny remained silent. He slowly sat down, holding onto the chair’s armrest

Heath looked at Francis, who nodded and said, He did buy some properties.” 

Heath narrowed his eyes and said, No wonder he didn’t even blink when I mentioned ten million!” 

Sunny wondered. Do you think the boss received news about Riverwatch District’s development in 



Francis shook his head. It’s unlikely. Even if he did, it should be from those property developers.” 

Sunny continued speculating. Maybe the boss has connections with the higherups?” 

Heath replied, If he received the news three days in advance, then his connections are quite terrifying!” 

Francis took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled, saying, Don’t pry into the bossaffairs. We’re just employees. Let’s focus on our own tasks. I believe the boss won’t mistreat us.” 

Both Heath and Sunny nodded in agreement

When Carlisle picked up his phone at school, he saw over 30 missed calls from Lethan 

There was a hint of a smile on Carlisle’s face

It seemed like news about Riverwatch District’s development had already been released


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