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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 

Carlisle lowered his head helplessly as he noticed Wanda’s slight anger

Perhaps he should go with her first. However, how should he explain to Owen then

Owen would work with him in the future. How could Carlisle establish a positive image if he broke his promise before even starting anything

Wanda couldn’t stand to see Carlisle’s overwhelmed expression. Alright. I’m not angry. You should deal with your affairs first. You must fulfill your promises to others!” 

He felt moved. You’re so kind, Wanda!” 

Hmph.She pursed her lips and smiled again

The bell rang after they’d taken the textbooks. They headed to the cafeteria together

The sun shone brightly today. Wanda forgot to bring her umbrella and had to rush to the cafeteria to avoid the sun

Wanda, wait for me!” 

Carlisle walked to the nearby trash can and picked up a mineral water carton. He unfolded it, came to her side, and used it to shield her from the sunlight

The students and lecturers passing by gazed at them strangely. Some lecturers even judged them

This era was still conservative. Many would gossip about the students who fell in love

Carlisle said while holding the unfolded carton, Let’s go!” 

Wanda ignored those strange gazes and nodded with a blushed face

Meanwhile, the sexilydressed Queenle walked across the field with an umbrella, cheerfully speaking with 

her best friends. They were talking about the attractive boys among the freshmen

Shirley Lloyd, one of her best friends, suddenly said, Queenie, the girl in front seems to be your boyfriend’s sister!” 

Queenie looked over and saw a tall, slender boy holding a piece of unfolded carton to shield Wanda from the sunlight

Her other best friend, Regina Jenkins, smiled sweetly. It seems that she’s falling in love!” 

Queenie frowned slightly. She took out her phone and secretly took a few photos of them

Shirley exclaimed, I think that boy is average. Wanda has a good background. Why would she fall in love. with such a boy?” 

While sending the photo to Zachary, Queenie responded calmly, There’s no way he can be with Wanda!” 

Zachary, who was playing games in his hotel’s computer room, took a look at the photos sent by Queenie

His expression gradually darkened

He could recognize Carlisle. Wanda deliberately got low scores to gain admission to Riverland University because of him

Zachary thought that he shouldn’t have saved Carlisle in the first place. Instead, he should let Carlisle be beaten to death by the gangster

Queenie texted, Do you want me to find someone to remind that guy?” 

No need. I know people at Riverland University!” 

Won’t you be afraid that Wanda will be angry?” 

My people are reliable!” 

After turning off his phone, Zachary put on his headphones and shouted, Find the guild leader of the Pride Protectors. I’ll test the power of the Heavenly Sword” 

Carlisle spotted two seats at the cafeteria

Hold our seats. I’ll go get the meals!” 


Wanda appeared happy. She took her seat while he went to buy food. It was exactly the university life she 

had dreamed of when she was in high school

They had a bright future

Cafeterias in this era didn’t accept credit cards. Carlisle had to purchase meal tickets before using them 

to buy meals

After ten minutes of waiting in line, he finally packed two meals

Sarah also happened to be on this floor. She sat not far from Wanda’s table

She felt uncomfortable when she saw Carlisle sitting opposite Wanda with two meals


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