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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 

Then what do you like to eat?Carlisle enthusiastically ate the meat Wanda had given him

She said softly, Except fatty meat and animal offal, I can eat everything else!” 

She then asked with guilt, Would you think I’m a picky eater?” 

You’re not the picky one, but Sarah. Do you know how picky she is?Carlisle spoke vaguely while chewing

Tell me!Wanda turned and glanced at Sarah by the window

She noticed Sarah had looked over just now. That was why she deliberately gave Carlisle meat to show it 

to Sarah

Her purpose was to stop Sarah from thinking about him

Wanda was satisfied when she saw Sarah’s resentful expression

*She can’t eat pasta which is too rough or too soft. She dislikes halfmushy and halfraw omelets. She avoids onions and dislikes tomato sauce… 

Carlisle went into great detail about Sarah’s picky eating habits. He couldn’t help but lament how he had managed to serve her before

Compared to her, I’m indeed not picky!Wanda smiled

That’s right. Apart from her good looks, she doesn’t have any advantages!Carlisle’s contempt for Sarah grew as he talked

It’s enough for her to be pretty. Or you wouldn’t have had a crush on her!She puffed her cheeks

I was blind back then!He scratched his head and blushed

Okay, let’s stop talking and eat!Wanda rolled her eyes at Carlisle. She was still a little unhappy

She wasn’t as attractive as Sarah. Would he forget about Sarah and be with her? Was she only

substitute in his heart

The afternoon was selfstudy lessons. Midway, Susan, the guidance counselor, brought everyone to pick up military training supplies. Military training would start next week

After lessons, Carlisle sent Wanda’to the girlsdormitory before leaving to find Owen

When he came to the hotel’s entrance, he noticed Owen smoking with two longhaired young men wearing black vests and suspenders

Hello, Carl.” 

They are” 

Carlisle glanced at the two of them. They were probably in their 20s. He felt that one of them looked 

Chapter 71 

familiar. However, after thinking for a long time, he couldn’t recall where he had seen that man

They also play The Legendary Tale. They’re in the same guild as me. I happened to meet them at an internet cafe. They also want to make a fortune with you!” 

Owen looked embarrassed. He took Carlisle aside and whispered, Carl, they have a good relationship 

with me. Please do me a favor!” 

Carlisle felt disgusted with Owen’s approach. He was helping Owen since he had been kind to Gordon in his previous life


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