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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97 

It seems your crisis has been avertedCarlisle said with a slight smile

Yes, my wife will walk away without a penny, and John’s attempted murder will get him at least five years in prison.Lethan’s voice was somber. After a pause, he asked, But I’m curious, how did you know all 


That’s not important. What’s important is 

that I saved you!” 

True. Are you free for dinner tonight?Lethan offered. He’d like to repay Carlisle

I’m pretty tied up right now. Maybe another time.” 

Lethan, a billionaire businessman, was a connection Carlisle wouldn’t let slip away easily

Hank’s earlier words were quite realistic

The studio could make money, but making much money wasn’t easy. It would be even harder to make enough money to enter the era of smart technology

That was why Carlisle had to bring in investments. Lethan and Bob were both good investors

Sean brought some fast food: Time for dinner” 

Hank and the others were busy playing on their computers

Sean handed each of them a portion of fast food and said with a smile, Guys, let’s eat first, then we’ll continue!” 

Carlisle also started to eat his fast food in front of the computer. Each of them had at least eight pieces of chicken

Heath flicked away his cigarette butt and said in a deep voice, Carl, why don’t we just use hacks to loot the paytowin playersgear? We’d make a lot of money that way!” 

Let’s keep it real and steady. You can’t hang around the riverbank without getting your shoes wet. We’ll play it safe.” 

Heath smiled sheepishly. I was just throwing it out there!” 

After dinner, Carlisle planned to head back to 


As he reached the campus gates, he received a call from an unknown number

Hello, who is this?” 

Carlisle, it’s Cameron!” 

Oh, it’s you. How did your sister’s surgery go?” 

Very well, I really owe you one!Cameron’s voice was choked with emotion

Without the thousand dollars Carlisle and Ivan had scraped together, his sister wouldn’t have made it

It’s great that she’s okay. Do you have enough money?Carlisle asked with a smile

We have enough. I’m looking for a job right now. As soon as I make some money, I’ll pay you back double

You don’t need to look for a job. Come to Riverland and join my team!” 

Butaren’t you in Riverland for school? Cameron was confused

I’m planning to start a game account farming studio for The Mystical Journey.If you know anyone, bring them over, and we’ll work together!” 

Account farming?Cameron was unfamiliar with the term. His understanding of farmingwas manual 

labor on the farm


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