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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 

Daniel was startled to see Carlisle lying on the bed opposite him. Holy crap, CarlisleWhen did you get 


About three minutes ago,Carlisle replied nonchalantly

Damn, you’re lying!” 

Oh?Carlisle grinned. What mischief have you been up to?” 

Daniel’s face turned red with embarrassment. What are you talking about?” 

Carlisle chuckled at his answer. Isn’t it obvious?” 

Believe what you want.Daniel smiled awkwardly before tossing the tissue he was holding into the trash 


Carlisle put on his shoes and left the room, leaving the unpleasant smell of the dormitory behind

He decided to move out tomorrow and find a new place to live. The dormitory environment was simply unbearable

Carlisle went to the roof to call Hank. He intended to recruit some programmers from him to form a research and development team

They would first have to develop an operating system to create a smartphone. However, there was the cost of research and development

Carlisle pinched the bridge of his nose and decided against calling Hank

The cost of research and development, along with salaries, was a challenge

The profits from the studio probably wouldn’t be enough to cover the research and development costs

Just then, Carlisle’s phone rang. It was his mother

Carlisle quickly answered the phone, Hello, Mom.” 

Son, you don’t have class today, do you?” 

No classes on the weekend!Carlisle replied with a soft smile

Hilda then said, You little rascal, did you not even think to call when you are on break!” 

Hey, I’ve been a little busy!Carlisle laughed awkwardly, realizing he hadn’t called home since he started 


Hilda didn’t press further. Instead, she asked, How’s school? Have classes started?” 

Not yet. It’ll probably start next week!” 

Son, have you seen Owen lately?Hilda inquired suddenly


OwenHe’sHe’s with mol” 

Hayley must have realized that Owen wasn’t at school and asked Hilda to check with Carlisle

To ease Hayley’s worries, he had to come clean

Were you the one who told him to go there?Hilda’s tone had turned Icy

Yes, it was my idea!” 

Hilda lost her temper. Do you know how worried his mother was? She was on the verge of calling the police!” 

Mom, Owen skips class every day to go gaming. He’s not learning anything useful at school. It’s better for him to earn money with me than to waste time there!Carlisle explained


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