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Be My Mate novel Chapter 7

Sabrina's POV

"Not so fast." Allison calls out, grabbing my hand to stop me from walking away.

"What the fuck was that? Who are you and why was I rejected because of you?" She asks and I mentally groan but I put her in this position so she deserves an explanation.

"We were chosen mates but I found my true mate. Please just give him some time to cool off, he's got a lot to deal with." I say and Allison scoffs at me.

"You are the lot he has to deal with and you are going to fix this. I don't take kindly to rejection so if this isn't sorted out before we all return to our packs, Xander will have to prepare for war." She says to me.

"A little childish don't you think?" I ask her and she smiles.

"You heard him ask you who I was. He knows who my father is, how about you go find out what's got him so shook about my family." She says and I step closer to her.

"Your father could very well be the devil the humans talk about and he wouldn't be able to do anything to Xander. How about you go do your homework about me first, go on... ask about me." I say before walking away.

I walk a few steps, stopping to look back at Allison.

"I'm Sabrina Trent, that should help a bit." I say before continuing my search for Arianna.

This was a disaster! I just wanted Xander to find a mate so he can stay alive and we all know he is way too proud to ask for protection.

He'd rather die.

I find myself walking down corridor after corridor, not really paying attention to where I am going or actually sniffing out Arrianna. Too consumed with my thoughts, I walk in to Aiden.

I almost lose my balance but he catches me. I steady myself palms flat on his chest as I look up at him.

"Sorry.." I say, pulling away from him but he stays close to me.

"Let my brother win?" I ask looking at him as his bruises begin to heal.

"No. We have a final round in a bit so I'm just going to chill in my room until then." Aiden says and I nod my head.

"Are you okay?" He asks and the tears prick my eyes, forcing myself to swallow down a sob that is threatening to come out once I open my mouth.

He puts his hands on my shoulders,

"Hey hey, what's wrong? What happened?" He asks.

"I found Xander a mate, you know to... to keep him alive but he rejected her. I don't know what else to do, what if someone kills him? I can't live through that.." I say and the tears break through.

Stepping away from the closeness,

"I don't think I can talk about this with you. I mean, this situation is not easy for you too. I just need to.." I say but he interrupts me.

"Yes it's not easy for me because your mine." He states and I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh I'm aware of that, thank you." I say and he scoffs.

"Are you really? Because it seems to me you are more concerned about the other Male wolf you are mated to, forgetting about me. I'm suffering here and sure, maybe he's having a hard time about it but so am I! Put yourself in my shoes." He says. I remain quiet as I wipe away the tears.

"We did not choose each other Sabrina, this is as hard for me as it is for you and for your earthling mate. Be considerate of my feelings too." He says.

"That's what I'm trying to do! You think I gave Xander a mate just for fun? We are done. We broke up, it's over for us and I just wanted to give him hope again. Give him the mate that was gifted to him and I meant well, I am considering your feelings. I'm finally respecting this sacred law and doing what's right but my plan went up in flames and I have every right to be hurting right now, okay? I can cry for Xander if I want to and for what we had. He was good to me, better than good so I will cry for that man until I heal because that's how I feel. Everyone needs to think of me for once. You're hurting, he is hurting but you're both forgetting that this is affecting me too and as much as I might be jumping from one mate to another, I am hurting. Thus is no fun for me and I've had it rough for a very long time. Xander was my 2 seconds of peace Aiden, with the multitude of chaos circling my life, he played a pivotal role in keeping me sane." I say, not fighting the tears as I think of Xander and all the times he has been there for me.


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