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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 

Lilac flustered when she heard what Hunter told her, she felt like her whole body was burning. She felt like she was on fire and she was having a hard time to think of anything else, but his warm breath on her neck and his fingers between her legs

Hunter nipped on her ear and this made Lilac shuddered when he used his other hand to pinch her nipple and slowly assaulted her opening. She wanted to tell him to move faster, as he started to move her waist, but Hunter didn’t want to give it to her

This man was insanehe literally tortured her with this pleasure

HunterpleaseLilac was frustrated because when she felt like she was about to reach her climax, Hunter withdrew his hand. She opened her eyes and looked at him disapprovingly

What this man wanted? Did he really enjoy this

Hunter actually smirked when he saw her expression. She looked cute in his eyes. Should I continue?” 

Hunter.. stop teasing meLilac felt like she was about to cry, she wanted to get her release, but he wouldn’t give it to her and when she moved her waist to get it, Hunter actually pressed her down. Stopped her from moving around. This man could be very awful

I will give it to you if you begged me.” 

Lilac narrowed her eyes at him, she pushed his chest, but he captured both of her hands and held them above her head, as he caressed her inner thigh, which lit fire within her. She really wanted to bite him down

Don’t want to?This time Hunter brushed her wet opening lightly, his touch was a torture and couldn’t think straight at this point

PleaseLilac finally gave in. She couldn’t play this game against him, because he knew how far he could take it

It was not that Lilac didn’t like it, but somehow, her desire was unbearable, probably because of her pregnancy, thus she became a little bit impatient

She didn’t like this slow sex….she wanted him to be rough with her

Please what?Hunter was still being very playful with her, this time, he nipped under her breast, but ignored her hard nipple completely. Tell me what do you want, love.” 

Please touch meLilac was breathless now. Hunter touched her, but not at the spot that she 

wanted to

Where should I touch you, love?Hunter moved his finger, brushed her wet opening and watched how her expression contorted. He was sure, if this was in normal occasion, this woman would have 


slapped him harshly for torturing her like this. Or like this?” 

This time Hunter inserted two fingers, which made her body jolted and she moaned rather loudly. This brought smile to his lips

Do you like this?Hunter started to move his finger in and out a few times, to build the climax and watched how Lilac’s face turned very red

However when she was about to get her climax, he withdrew again, which made her eyes opened widely

Hunter!Lilac sounded like she wanted to cry

But, this time Hunter didn’t intend to not give it to her, he gave her something better, as he placed himself between her legs and started to penetrate her. This warm feeling made both of them moaned


Do you Hunter whispered to her ear

This is betterLilac said absentmindedly, as she adjusted to him. It felt so right to have him within her

I know it,Hunter said, as he started to take his pace. He started it slow, as he wanted to keep his word that he wanted to make love with her, but in the end, he lost it and he gave what she wanted

Lilac muffled her scream against his shoulder when she reached her climax, accidentally bit him, but the alpha didn’t mind. He would think of that as a compensation for his playfulness earlier

And after that, they did it a few more times. Lilac lost count when she came for the four times and felt very spent, but Hunter kept persuading her to get one more and after that one more… 

The next thing she knew was when Hunter licked her body and murmured something, his voice. was very calming to her ear, which drove her to her sleep

Lilac didn’t know how long she had been sleeping, but the first thing that she noticed when she regained her consciousness was the fact she was inside a moving carriage

Awake?Raya’s voice grazed her ear and Lilac stretched her body, but this soreness immediately hit her, reminded her of what she had done with Hunter. I will not wonder if you ended up with a dozen of children less than a decade.Raya shook her head. She clicked her tongue. You reeked of 


Lilac had told her not to address her as luna when it was only the two of them, because she felt like the title created a distance between them

She wanted to feel like she still had a friend. Therefore, whenever it was only the two of them, there was no title between them, just like right now. Hunter must be somewhere and Raya stayed inside the carriage to accompany Lilac, just in case she woke up and needed something

You are really awful,” Raya/said, clicking her tongue and shook her head. She handed her a bottle 

Chapter 173 

of water for her to drink

Where are we?Lilac felt this headache, she accepted the bottle of water from Raya

We are on our back to our pack,Raya replied. She helped her to sit down and drink the water. You need to tell the alpha not to work you out, you are currently pregnant, you know. You will your baby in danger.” 


Lilac pursed her lips. She didn’t think her baby would be in danger. Baby shifter was exceptionally strong, especially when it was a lycan baby. She might jump up and down until she hurt her legs, but the baby would be peacefully fine. The healer said so, but of course, she wouldn’t do such thing

I am fine. The baby is fineInstinctively, Lilac put her hand over her stomach and then felt her baby. The looked of her right now was very serene and Raya stared at her absentmindedly

You have to let other people know about your pregnancy once you arrived at the pack house,Raya said. This will be a great news for the pack member.” 

I plan to do so,Lilac replied. She was only a few months long, she had not showing too

The rest of the journey, Lilac fell back into sleep and Raya had to stuck inside the carriage, doing nothing, but staring at her. She looked at her stomach when she fell asleep, but her expression didn’t show anything

Once they arrived at the lycan pack, Lilac was still sleeping after she had her dinner

Wake up, we are her already,” Raya said, she shook Lilac’s body, but she didn’t wake up at all. If anything, she looked like she was in deep sleep


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