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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 

I only don’t want you to get hurt. You need to be careful with your feeling now,Rye said casually before he walked away because he didn’t want to hear her denial anymore. She couldn’t be helped, if she kept denying the obvious and Rye was worried with the aftermath

I know what I am doing and you don’t need to worry about something stupid like that.Raya didn’t want to hear that anymore and turned her body around, as she walked faster. She didn’t want to talk about this topic

Who said that he liked the alpha? That man didn’t know how to love a woman. He was with so many women, she thought he had slept with almost all the women in the pack

Even thought, deep down Raya knew those women, who claimed had spent the night with the alpha was actually not telling the truth, they were only being delusional to think they could get the alpha to their bed

But of course, the number of women that was with the alpha couldn’t be said as little

Raya sighed deeply again, as she hastened her pace to go to her bedroom. She was really tired. She didn’t do anything during the journey back and it was really boring to stay inside a small carriage, staring at Lilac’s sleeping face and her flat stomach, while breathing in their after sex scent. It drove her crazy

Raya shook her head and changed her dress. She was very tired and wanted to fall asleep

However, she was not the only woman, who was tired, because Lilac didn’t wake up until the next morning. It seemed like Hunter had spent her stamina for good, or maybe this pregnancy only made her a little bit lazy than usual

Hunter?Lilac looked around her, but she couldn’t find him anywhere. It seemed, he had gone somewhere this very early morning, yet, she didn’t have any idea where he 

had gone to

This whole morning, Lilac didn’t meet with Hunter and based on what Rye told her, the alpha was busy with something. Lilac wondered what he was busy to

And when the afternoon came, Lilac suddenly wanted to see her father again. This was not a sudden decision. She had thought about it for a while. The last time she met with him was not a good meeting. If anything, she was mortified to see that side of Hunter

But, Lilac understood why he acted so cruelly. The only reason why her father was still 

Chapter 174 

alive was because Hunter wanted her to meet him first before he made a drastic decision on his life

Why do you want to meet with him?Rye asked when Lilac found him in a strategy room. It was easy to find this beta. Everyone would know where he was, because of how loud he could be

There is something I want to be sure of.Lilac then looked conflicted. Is he still alive?” 

Yeah, pretty much breathing, if you could say.If your description of being alive was breathing, then yes, Kellan was still breathing, but there was not a single soul wanted. that kind of life. Rye tilted his head curiously. What is it?” 

Only then Lilac realized, Rye didn’t know the relation between her and Kellan. Hunter had told her about this. He warned her not to tell anyone because it would complicate the matter and she forgot about it completely

It’s okay. I will wait for Hunter.Lilac backed off. Rye might not try to pry further and maybe it was fine if he learned about this, but without Hunter’s permission, Lilac didn’t want to act recklessly

Hunter had a lot in his plate, he didn’t need an extra trouble to be solved

I will talk to him when he returned.” Lilac waved her hand goodbye at Rye and then. walked away


ve tilted his head. He wanted to know why Lilac wanted to talk with Kellan. But, one thing that Lilac didn’t realize was; Rye knew who was Kellan to her. He and Darren also knew the story when they first met with each other in the waterfall

These two men were the only people that Hunter talked to about that matter

After that, Lilac waited for Hunter to return, as she stayed in the garden. Raya and the other were busy with their training and because she couldn’t train with her condition, she had a lot of free time

It was nice to be back to the lycan pack and more so, people started to treat her warmly. Whether they did it because they were trying to be polite with her or not, it was still a good feeling

What are you doing 

Out here alone?Hunter draped his cloak over her shoulders. I thought I make sure that you are not to go out at night like this?” 

The alpha glanced at the warrior, who supposed to guard Lilac

Chapter 174 

But, before that poor warrior could be punished, Lilac had spoken first. I felt stuffy inside the room, so I walked out for a while. I am fine. You don’t need to worry.” 

Let’s go back.” Hunter helped her to stand up and then returned to their bedroom. Let’s talk when you are warm.” 

Lilac flushed when she heard that. It felt like there was another meaning behind his words, especially when he smirked like that toward her. It only added to her suspicion. This man was really something else

Even the people around them felt like their alpha looked like someone else whenever he was with the luna, if that made sense. He looked less scary and intimidating

Once they returned to their bedroom. Hunter immediately told her about what Rye had informed him of how she wanted to see Kellan

Is there something you want to ask more?Hunter didn’t want her to meet with Kellan anymore, especially if it could trigger the last memory of their meeting. Is there something that bothering you?” 

Lilac looked hesitated and Hunter didn’t like to see her in trouble like this

You don’t need to tell if you don’t want to. I will arrange your meeting with him, but I need to warn you that what you will see, is not something that you will like.” 


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