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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177 

Please, help methis is too painful. I am in a lot of painRuby begged him. Please, stop the pain. I am in so much agony.Ruby cried her heart out. She couldn’t wait for alpha James to think of someone to mark her

It wouldn’t be an easy thing to do, since the person should be willing to mark her and if he didn’t want to, Ruby would be in pain for who knew how long? That bastard mate of her would have done it a few more times

Ruby was very familiar with his method. He was someone, who wouldn’t be enough get 

it once. He would do it the whole night and Ruby dreaded the thought she would be in this kind of hellish pain for a whole night, while he drew pleasure from someone else

You don’t think straight, Ruby,Alpha James said sternly, he tried to free her grip from him, but he couldn’t.. 

It was either he didn’t put an effort to free himself from her, or it might be because Ruby held onto him so tightly

PleaseRuby kept pleading with him, she pushed herself from the bed all of sudden and hugged him. Her warm, ragged breath against his neck, while her scent assaulted his senses

At this point, alpha James couldn’t think straight. His mind was very muddled ever since he walked into her bedroom and now, he was faced with this

Her pleading kept echoing in his ears and how her body was trembling because of the pain. He felt angry for his son to act like that. One time was a mistake, but the second. time, it was simply stupid and irresponsible.. 

Please, alphaRuby moved her head, giving her neck to alpha James. Remark me… 

Alpha James didn’t know what came to him, but he actually considered it. He licked her neck and he could taste her sweetness, which made Ruby moaned when his warm tongue caressed her sensitive skin. She held her breathe when alpha James put his hand around her body and then tilted her head so he would get a better angle to mark her

Ruby waited with anticipation. She wondered whether this would be very painful. Would the pain increased? Or the remark would alleviate the pain? Ruby didn’t dare to make a speculation and when alpha James’s canine penetrated her flesh, Ruby bit her lip to stop herself from screaming and moaning at the same time


Lilac didn’t feel better after she talked with her father, if anything, she felt even worse. Kellan didn’t offer any new information for her

From the look of it, not only Hunter had destroyed his hearing, but he also accidentally, like how he put it into word, had created a damage on his brain too

From what they could gather. Lilac’s mother was most likely still alive, but no one knew where she was, since she was banished from her own pack

Kellan didn’t keep in touch with her too. He most likely didn’t care about her, just like how he didn’t care about little Lilac

I am going to have him killed two days from now, in front of all the pack member,Hunter said, as both of them laid on the bed. Lilac snuggled against him, because she felt her emotions were all over the places

HmLilac buried her face against his chest

We don’t need him with anything anymore. He held no more value.” 

HmLilac mumbled. She didn’t care what Hunter was going to do to her real father. He could kill him for all she cared

Tired?Hunter asked, as he caressed her back in soothing motion


Sleep thenHunter gave her a kiss on her head and then cradled her to sleep. Lilac fell asleep very fast, in no time, her breathing became even and she had this little snore that Hunter thought very cute. Sleep, my love.” 

Hunter knew that Lilac had tried her best to figure out her past and to have someone like Kellan as her father was truly a mess

However, aside from Kellan, there was Grace too. Grace didn’t know anything about Lilac, more so about her mother and she was most likely only got caught in the middle of this situation

Sleep well, my love.Hunter put the blanket over Lilac’s figure and then slowly got off the bed. There were a lot of things he needed to do and in a few days he would need to go back to Golden Claw pack to sort out a few things

He couldn’t bring Lilac with him, because of her pregnancy. He wanted her to rest in 

this pack, especially when she didn’t look so thrill to go back to her former pack

I want everything on schedule,Hunter said to Rye the first thing when he walked out. of the bedroom. The gamma had been waiting for him outside and the alpha could. sense him

Okay,Rye said, yawning. It was already in the middle of the night and he still had a lot. of things to do

The next day, Lilac was busy to prepare a small ceremony to announce her pregnancy. It would be held within two days later, in which was greeted by surprise and many good. wishes for her and the baby

There was nothing major that happened during that period of time and Lilac felt so happy, like really, really happy for the first time. She loved to be surrounded by these people and looked forward for her little one to come to this world

Raya, Rose and Lena were always by her side. The three of them were her closest friends and they were soon inseparable. Most of the time, Lilac would tell them to drop the formalities because she didn’t want them to address her with her title and they did just that whenever they were alone

Aside from Hunter, Lilac would entrust her life to the three of them, that was how much she valued her friends

But, when Lilac was three months long, Hunter had returned to Golden Claw pack

Can’t I come with you?Lilac pleaded with her eyes. She knew that Hunter would return, but when the day came, she felt it was too hard to let him go. She wanted him to stay 

with her

I am sorry, love. I can’t bring you with me.Hunter knelt down in front of Lilac and kissed her flat stomach. She had not really been showing yet, only a little bump there, as if she just ate too much

Lilac pursed her lips

I will be back in two months.” 

I am going to give birth.” 

Hunter chuckled. We still have around four months to see the little one, right? I will be there with you.He kissed her little bump again



Chapter 177 


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