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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Smooth–Talker

The phone call shocked Matthew and me. His eyes narrowed, while mine grew sharper as I looked at him

and demanded, “Answer it!”

Matthew froze again.

“You will answer this call in front of me if you have any conscience left. I’ll give you one last chance!” I

stared at him, holding my still–crying daughter close.

After a while, I straightened up and continued, “I used to believe my husband would never betray me, even

in a world full of lies. You’ve let me down.”

I finally uttered the words I never wanted to face. I never expected the concept of betrayal to affect us

too. I cried as the words left my mouth. My cries mixed with Ava’s in a symphony of heartache and


Matthew slowly took his phone, and the ringtone was even more jarring in the tense atmosphere. I looked

motionless husband staring at me. Gradually, his fingers clenched into a fist as I growled through

at my

gritted teeth, “Answer it!”

Matthew glanced at the phone and said, “I–It’s Melanie.”

“Answer it!” Regardless of who it was, I wouldn’t give him another chance to reject the call.

Although he hesitated, he saw my determination and reluctantly answered, “Mel, I’m in the middle of

something with Chloe right now. Can we talk later?”

“Oh, sure. I’ll call you tomorrow then!” It was indeed Melanie’s voice on the other end.

After hanging up the phone, Matthew looked at me innocently.

I felt lost in the face of this unexpected turn. Ava’s cries for me made it impossible to continue

confronting him, so I stood up and carried her to our room before slamming the door. 1

“C–Chlo… Chlo!”


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