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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 267

Chapter 267 An Embarrassing Day

I calmly sipped my tea while observing Liora. I even smiled at her to show I didn’t care. Her expression grew colder as she glared daggers at me. I found it amusing but couldn’t understand how Atticus could be attracted to such a troublesome woman.

No wonder he told me someone needed to humble her.

Suddenly, I realized Atticus was trying to protect his assets. Perhaps he had realized Liora wouldn’t be a long–term partner who would share his hardships. Since he had started hiding his interests, he must be preparing for something.

Soon after, a woman in a black pantsuit emerged. She looked authoritative, with sharp features and cold eyes. She glanced around and said, “Please calm down, everyone.”

Everyone turned to her as her gaze landed on Liora momentarily. I noticed Liora’s smirk, and then she sat

down calmly.

Liora knew she had the upper hand, saying, “Ms. Kate, you arrived just in time. If you can’t resolve this, me and my friends will cancel our memberships.

“Quick, cancel your memberships! That’ll help us relax!”

“What are you implying?”

Kate smiled and said, “Everyone, please calm down. You’ll all have rooms soon. Let’s not get so worked

  1. up.

Some complained about the receptionist, while others criticized Liora and her friends for being rude. I remained silent but noticed Kate favoring Liora.

Liora continued, “It wouldn’t have been a big deal. You know we’ve been customers here for a long time,

Ms. Kate. You know our status and class.”

The others scoffed upon hearing this. However, it didn’t affect Liora’s arrogance. “I’m okay if I’m the only one with a membership, but I brought all my friends here. This isn’t the only spa in Foswood. We can leave

if we’re not happy.”

ized Llora was stating her condition.

Lauren gave me the card, she told me it was the most prestigious spa in Foswood, All the wealthy loved this place because being a member here represented their status. Hence, I didn’t belleve


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