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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 268

Chapter 268 A Reverse in Situation

Kate smilingly motioned to take my card but froze as she was about to touch it. I looked at her in puzzlement while still holding the card. I didn’t know why she froze.

She widened her eyes and observed my face. “Y–You-”

Eleanor was as puzzled as me, saying. “Just cancel our membership, Ms. Kate.”

However, Kate looked embarrassed as her lips twitched. “P–Please wait a moment. I–I need to make a


Eleanor protested, “Why must we wait for you to cancel our membership? You already made us wait for

someone to serve us. Do you think we have that much free time?”

1–It’s not that, Miss. I just need you to wait a moment.” Kate’s expression showed something was amiss.

Liora was just as confused but appeared dissatisfied. “Ms. Kate, my friends and I will cancel if you have

trouble handling the situation!”

She slapped her card on the coffee table before turning to her friends, saying, “Girls, let’s go!”

Her friends followed suit and placed their cards on the table, declaring, “We’re canceling our

memberships too!”

Kate remained embarrassed as she said, “Please wait a moment. I-

The displeased woman from before who supported me pointed at Liora and her friends. “If they don’t

cancel their memberships, I’ll do it!”

She placed her card in Kate’s hands. The latter appeared even more flustered as she ran into the office.

The situation confused me. I wondered why Kate was so flustered but soon realized it was because of

the membership cards. I saw a few golden cards and two silver ones on the table. However, the card

held was black with gold edges and embossed letters.

Immediately after, I learned that it was a Diamond card. If so, Lauren’s membership must be higher than


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