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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 The Walls Are Listening

I laughed at myself for thinking I had a way back while Matthew and the other woman were already

transferring assets. I wondered when I became such an idiot. Ivanna was right to call me a fool.

Matthew was practically selling me off, yet I stood beside him to count his money. I had no idea who that

woman was and how cunning Matthew could be. Still, the woman’s identity was not my priority, I was just


Most people in my situation would obsess over finding out who they lost their love to, but the results

were always the same, no matter who the other person was. I had already lost.

After some thought, I told Ivanna, “My priority is finding where that money went.”

“I already have someone looking into it, don’t worry!” Ivanna reassured me confidently.

I returned to work after our chat to figure out how to reclaim my company and bring Matthew down from

his pedestal. That was my only wish. No one noticed when I had left and returned. After all, everyone

knew I was the boss’s wife.

Moreover, it was nearing lunchtime when I returned, and everyone was preparing to leave. Since it was a

time when people gathered to chat, I wanted to ask Matthew what he wanted for lunch.

When I arrived at his office, his secretary wasn’t there, and the door was half–open. I heard voices inside

the office, which meant Matthew was still there. I was about to open the door when I heard Johnson’s


“Don’t worry. I’ve prepared all the information you requested. You’re a genius, Mr. Murphy, Still, I don’t

think Madam is interested since she’s rarely at the office. From what I see, she works here just to keep an

eye on you.”

Johnson’s tone was full of mockery as he continued, “As for the money, I’ve taken care of it according to

your instructions.”

My heart raced, and I quickly backed away to ensure they wouldn’t spot me. It was evident they were discussing me.


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