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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 293

Chapter 293 Life–and–death Situation

My heart raced as I narrowed my eyes. I pushed Stella aside, not paying attention to her stumbling a few steps away. My sole focus was reaching the emergency room, but dark–clad bodyguards blocked my way.

I saw a doctor speaking with Celine, but I couldn’t make out their words. The doctor returned to the emergency room in less than two minutes, and I could not help but notice the chilling amount of blood

staining his gloves.

My gaze remained fixed on Celine. Her expression revealed nothing about the nature of the news,

whether it was good or bad.

She stayed in that dazed state before finally saying something to Kenzie, who was behind her. Stella took this opportunity to pass by me and enter the room.

Stella reached out and grabbed Celine’s arm as if inquiring about something. Celine’s cold eyes met Stella’s, and she immediately lowered her head.

“What’s his condition? Let go of me!” I roared, far from composed.

Celine’s eyes met mine, deep and merciless. She then said something to Kenzie and walked out.

1 froze in place, watching her and her entourage pass by me.

Suddenly, she stopped and shot me a cold glare. She spat, “Thanks to you, he’s not dead!”

Then she lifted her head high and walked away. Carol quickly ran over to me.

“Chlo…” Her voice was anxious.

I must have looked terrible.


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