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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294 A Multi–car Crash

It was as if I had finally opened a mysterious door. I rushed in, checking room after room, but there was

no sign of anyone.

Then, a nurse saw me. “What are you doing? This is a sterile area. How did you get in? Get out!”

grabbed her. “Where’s the person they were just trying to save? How is he?”

“Get out! Which one are you talking about?! There are many people here!” She tried to free herself while pushing us towards the exit. “Hurry up and leave!”

“Mr. Atlas, the one they were just trying to save, how is he?” I persisted.

The nurse forcefully pushed me out. “I don’t know!”

Then the door shut, and I heard the lock click.

I slumped against the wall, feeling deflated and lost. I wanted to cry out, “Atlas, please tell me how you


“Chlo, listen to me. Let’s go back,” Carol said.

We left the hospital, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was somewhere in the building. If I left now, I

might miss him.

Carol drove directly back to the office. It was nearly the end of the workday. Ryan must have been waiting

for me to return.

Now that he saw me at the entrance, he waved to everyone, “You’re dismissed!”

People glanced at me, then quietly turned and left.

Back in my office, I sank wearily into the sofa, feeling a kind of exhaustion I had never experienced before.

“Chlo, is there still no news?” Ryan cautiously inquired while Carol gave him a meaningful look.

After a while, I looked up and asked, “Where’s Grayson?”

Il call him right away,” Carol said, picking up the phone and dialing Grayson’s number.

Grayson arrived in my office less than twenty minutes later, I stood up, looking at him intently.

What’s the news? What have you found out?”

I’ve looked into it Mr. Atlas left Starlight International around 11 a.m. and took a car with Dylan, a driver,

“There was a multiple–car collision in the accident, but…the most severe damage was to Mr. Atlas’s car.”

His voice sounded somewhat weary. “According to the officers on site, six people were injured…and one


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