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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 295

Chapter 295 A War Declaration

Seeing Stella’s name flashing on my phone sent a shiver down my spine. I answered, my patience wearing thin, “Stella, if you’re not going to say something useful, spare me. I don’t have the patience for you right now. Whether or not you tell me about Atlas, I’ll find out eventually!”

Stella’s tone dripped with sarcasm as she enjoyed the spectacle. “Looks like you’re genuinely worried,

Chlo. Such a fiery temper!”

“It seems like you have too much free time!” Before ending the call, I knew showing indifference was the best way to deal with her.

Predictably, my phone rang again, and I reluctantly picked up after three rings. “Don’t test my patience!”

Stella couldn’t resist taunting me further, “Haha, Chlo! I just want to tell you he’s fine! Really! But I’m afraid you won’t be seeing him for a while. What a pity! I didn’t want you to worry too much, so I thought I’d give

you a heads–up!”

With that, she hung up, and I clenched my fists. The battle was on. It was better to face her openly than let

her scheme in the shadows.

“Was it Stella?” Ryan asked as we waited at a traffic light, casting a concerned glance in my direction. “It

seems Atlas should be fine. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so bold.”

“I can’t pretend anymore,” I admitted, forcing a half–smile.

“It is standard procedure for them to suppress such news,” Ryan reassured me. “Any disruption, especially involving life and death, can cause major upheaval in a conglomerate. Grayson will find a way, so you just

need to wait for updates. Getting anxious won’t change anything.”

“I just want to know if he’s safe,” I said, my eyes fixed on the bustling crowd outside, feeling helpless.

“Try to relax. Don’t let this consume you. They are out in the open, and they know your anxiety won’t

I was physically and mentally exhausted, so I forced myself to get out of bed and freshen up. Downstairs, Ava hadn’t gone to school yet, and my mom was concerned about me.


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