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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326 Mysterious Ally

The sudden brightness in the banquet hall stunned everyone. All the large screens had lit up, capturing

everyone’s attention.

A familiar video played on the screens. It was footage of Ava’s birthday when Matthew had carried her out of the school gate to collect her gift. Then, Melanie arrived.

The people in the banquet hall were puzzled and started whispering, “What’s going on?”

Even I was surprised, wondering who had orchestrated it. It seemed I had an unexpected ally in attendance. I couldn’t help but glance at Johnson, who had come over with Matthew earlier. Besides Matthew and Melanie, Johnson was likely the only one who knew the whole story.

As the video played for the second time, someone exclaimed, “Oh my, isn’t that Melanie? What’s she-?!”

The person’s exclamation drew even more attention as everyone focused on the repeated violent scenes. Finally, someone made a bold guess, “Isn’t that Melanie? She’s pregnant yet causing trouble at a kindergarten. She even kicked someone when they got out of the car.”

“Look, did you see that? She couldn’t stand still. My gosh!”

“Thankfully, an ambulance came. Chloe didn’t move at all and even got hit by Melanie.”

The terrifying video sent shivers down everyone’s spine. People gasped and murmured in shock. I turned away from the screens and looked at Stella and Liora, who watched the footage.

Melanie was no longer as composed. She pointed at the screens and shouted, “Who the hell did this?!” She turned to Matthew and said, “Didn’t you tell say-”

“Shut up!” Matthew snapped.

Johnson demanded, “I thought we deleted all the footage. Who did this?”


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