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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 327

Chapter 327 An Uninvited Guest

Everyone turned to the entrance when they heard the slightly mocking voice. To my surprise, I saw the uninvited Lauren walking in. I instinctively face–palmed in amazement.

Lauren’s presence shocked everyone. She had exposed Matthew’s affair at our wedding anniversary a few months ago. The supposedly upright Matthew even went to court for our divorce.

Lauren’s actions caused Matthew and I to divorce. His notoriety skyrocketed immediately after. Although Lauren was once his mistress, she had exposed him for his affair with Melanie.

Today, she again appeared at Matthew’s son’s full moon banquet. I knew she wasn’t here to enjoy the food, either. Her appearance always held some significance, and it seemed Matthew would pay the price


I was even more surprised because we agreed she was not supposed to come. I wondered why she came anyway. I covered my eyes, realizing that another exciting show was about to begin. Still, I didn’t know

what she would do this time.

As I looked around, I noticed a middle–aged woman accompanying Lauren. Judging from the former’s age, attire, and demeanor, I knew she was not Lauren’s friend. Instead, the middle–aged woman appeared

somewhat raunchy..

She followed Lauren with a nervous smile. Anyone could tell the woman had applied significant foundation to her face. Her eyes were sharp and greedy as she scanned her surroundings. She appeared

amazed by the luxurious setting before her.

For some reason, I felt like I had met her somewhere. Still, I didn’t know where Lauren had found this


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