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Bogus Billionaire novel (Caroline and Kirk) novel Chapter 753

Chapter 753 

Caroline didn’t understand Kirk’s excitement, but she also wanted to know what was going on

*All right. Let me know as soon as the test results are out ” 

Kirk looked at the smile on Caroline’s face, feeling a smile spread on his face as well

If Caroline really wasn’t an Evans, everything was going to work out. He and Caroline could finally live their lives in peace

When Caroline reached home, she got a call from Gwen

Carol, it’s been a while since we’ve hung out.” 

Caroline chuckled. What do you want?” 

I’m inviting you to hang out with me,Gwen said cutely

Since you got married, we haven’t been hanging out as often.” 

Caroline thought about it and realized her friend had a point

She felt guilty. I’m sorry, Gwen.” 

Come on, I’m not trying to ridicule you.Gwen stopped Caroline

I just want to invite you out. A client gave me two coupons for a hotel and spa. Let’s go there together.” 

Caroline agreed, Sure.” 

She planned to let Kirk handle restructuring the company. He could also get used to his role as CEO in advance

Moreover, she could go and relax. She had been having a rough time because of everything that had happened lately. Perhaps things would turn around if she got some fresh air

Caroline told Kirk about her plans, and sure enough, he shared the same sentiments

Okay, just leave the company to me. Go out there and relax


Yeah, all right.Caroline kissed Kirk’s cheek before leaving for the shower

+15 BONUS 

Kirk watched Caroline leave with a slight smile on his face. When she disappeared from his sight, the warmth in his gaze faded away

He picked up his phone and walked to the balcony Where were we

On the other end of the line, Charles was already used to Kirk disappearing midsentence

He answered, Sir, you asked me to handle a DNA test with the madam, Sarah, and Dan.” 

Kirk hummed, then said, I want to see the test results tomorrow.” 

Charles was speechless. He knew that his boss was impatient, but he couldn’t be this impatient. There was no way he could get this done by tomorrow. Kirk truly overestimated his capabilities

Uh, sir, that might still be a bit difficult. Besides, there shouldn’t be an issue with Sarah and Dan. But the madam‘ 

I’ll give you my wife’s hair. You just need to handle Sarah and Dan.” 

Yes, sir.” 


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