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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 441

Chapter 441 The Broken Arm

Sonia couldn’t stop crying. The corner of Toby’s mouth lifted into a very faint smile, and it, along with his pale face and dripping wet body, somehow made him look beautiful instead of wretched. He lifted his right hand and used his index finger to gently wipe the tears off her lower eyelids. Then, he said in a hoarse voice, “Don’t cry. You’re not pretty when you cry.”

When Sonia heard his words, she rolled her eyes at him. “We just came back from the dead, and you still care whether I look pretty or not?”

Toby put his hand down. “You’re right.”

“You bet I’m right.” Sonia lifted his body so that it was slightly straighter. “How did you sink to the bottom of the lake?”

Toby closed his eyes slightly. “When I fell, I was padding under you. As we were falling from a high place, the pressure of the water surface was very strong, so the moment I fell into the water, my head and back were as if they had hit a big rock, so I lost consciousness.”

So that was what happened.

“Then, are your head and back okay?” Sonia hurriedly looked toward the back of Toby’s head.

Toby shook his head gently. “I’m fine, just a little dizzy and a little nauseous.”

On top of that, the back of his back was also burning with pain. The whip wounds on his back were not fully healed yet because there were some scabs that had not fallen off, and now those areas had split open again. However, this was nothing compared to his left arm. To be precise, he couldn’t seem to feel the existence of his left arm.

Of course, Toby would not tell Sonia all this.

“Dizziness and nausea?” Hearing Toby’s condition at the moment, Sonia suddenly felt worried. Generally, someone would appear dizzy and nauseous when there was a serious impact on their head. Just like last time, she was hit on the head with a stick by Taylor Carey and got a concussion, and for a while afterward, she was dizzy and nauseous. So now, she was pretty sure that he probably had a concussion, and he must immediately seek medical attention, or else it would develop into a chronic headache in the future.

Thinking of this, Sonia had Toby sit down, and she herself at once stood up. “No, we cannot stay here and wait for people to come down to find us. You must immediately seek medical attention, and our clothes are also wet. It’s now so cold, so if we wait, we will get sick out here. We’ll leave here by marking our path and see if there are people living outside these woods. If there are, then we will be saved.”

After saying that, she bent down and tried to hold Toby’s arm. However, when she grabbed his left arm, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. His left arm was fragile, and the place where his shoulder was connected to his left arm was tilted at an awkward angle, which was obviously not normal at all.

Realizing this, Sonia had her face changed. She looked at Toby in shock, and her mouth opened, but it took her a while to find her voice.

“Y-Your arm…”

“It seems to be broken,” Toby smiled slightly and replied as if it was not his arm that was broken.

Trembling, Sonia staggered backward before stabilizing herself and said in a quivering voice, “B-Broken? Was it broken when we were on the cliff?”

She remembered that the moment the tree trunk broke on the cliff, he had looked a little out of place, and a lot of sweat had seeped out of the corners of his forehead at that time. But now that she thought about it, it was not because he couldn’t support their weight, but it was because his arm was in trouble.

When Toby heard Sonia’s question, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes flickered for a moment. However, he refused to answer. When Sonia saw him like this, she knew she was right. Biting her lip and clenching her hands, she asked, “Why? Why didn’t you tell me, Toby?”


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