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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 442

Chapter 442 Cave for Shelter From the Rain

Seeing this scene, Sonia instantly froze and then hurriedly caught Toby, stumbling backward before stabilizing herself in the process due to the added weight.

“Toby, what’s wrong?” Sonia asked after holding him up. But Toby did not respond, merely leaning on her shoulder with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

Sonia guessed that he had passed out because his head was badly injured, and he claimed to be dizzy, so it was only a matter of time before he fainted. Yet, Toby couldn’t walk on his own, so he had to rely on her to bring him out.

Taking a deep breath, Sonia turned around, then half-carried and half-dragged Toby forward. They were heading toward the south, where the woods were not as dense, so they should soon be able to get out of the woods. As soon as they got out of the woods, they should be able to find some people. While walking, Sonia turned her head to look at the man lying on her back. Her eyes were serious as she said, “Toby, I will definitely get you out of here.”

After saying that, she turned her head back and continued walking forward. For every few feet, she would drop a strip of cloth, leaving a mark for the people who came to find them. Originally, she intended to tie these strips of cloth to the branches of trees so that if there was any wind, there was no worry about them being blown away. However, she could only do that if Toby himself could walk. Now that Toby could not walk, she had to carry him, so naturally, she did not have the capacity to tie the strips of cloth. Hence, they could only be thrown on the ground, but she hoped they were not blown away by the wind later.

After a long time of walking, just when Sonia felt tired, lightning flashed across the sky suddenly. Sonia trembled with fear, then she stopped slightly and looked up at the sky. The sky had darkened as huge dark clouds cast shadows on the earth. Coupled with the continuous thunder, it brought a great sense of gloom.

It’s going to rain, and it’s a heavy one!


Realizing this, Sonia was seen with a troubled expression because if it was raining, they could not continue to move forward. When it was raining, it was very easy to fall while walking on a mountain road. Toby, at this moment, must definitely not risk a fall again. To make things worse, she could see the sky getting darker by the minute.

Although she didn’t know the exact time now, her phone and the electronic devices on her, such as her watch, were all taken off by Declan’s people the moment she was kidnapped and thrown away. As for Toby’s phone, she also guessed that it was not around as well. Otherwise, at the lake just now, Toby would have taken it out to contact Tom, and it was impossible for him not to do anything. Thus, it could only be either the phone was lost in the lake, or the phone had broken down after being in contact with water and could not be used. As for Toby’s watch, it was impossible for her to look at it now with him on her back, but she could roughly guess that it should be around 6.00 P.M. or 7.00 P.M. at this time.

It was dark, and it was beginning to drizzle, so it seemed like they really couldn’t go any further. They had to find a place to hide in the rain, or they definitely wouldn’t make it through tonight and would be frozen to death. She was cold because of the wet clothes on her, but with Toby lying on her back, she could still endure it. But Toby had no one to help him, so she could not imagine how cold Toby was feeling now. However, where in the world should they seek shelter from the rain for the night?

Sonia bit her lip and looked around. Fortunately, not far ahead, there was a cave. “Great!”

Seeing that cave, Sonia was greatly surprised, and her eyes instantly lit up with excitement and hope. “Toby, we have a place to shelter from the rain for the night!” Sonia turned her head, exclaimed to the man on her back, and then quickly brought him toward the cave.

Soon, they arrived at the cave. As soon as the two of them went inside, it began to pour outside. As Sonia listened to the sound of rain behind her, she sighed. She realized that they were really lucky because it did not rain this hard at the beginning, but only when they entered the cave. Thus, she felt that this was also considered God’s favor.


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