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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 506

Chapter 506 Jean’s a Fool

“That’s true.” Tom exclaimed in awe while nodding, agreeing that Carl’s hacking skills were top-notch. All of Fuller Group’s hackers were considered international masters within the field, but even they didn’t manage to find anything after Toby ordered them to track Declan’s whereabouts. Carl was the only one who managed to track Declan down. This comparison put things in place—Carl was obviously the more skilled hacker among the rest of them.

“Since Carl is sending his men over, you should arrange for our people to go there too. Carl’s men might take Declan away if our men don’t get there in time,” Toby uttered in a calm tone. Declan was the one who pushed Sonia off a cliff, so Toby had to be the one to deal with Declan. No one’s allowed to get this job done except for me! I won’t even have Carl meddling with this! Toby thought.

“Okay. I got it, President Fuller.” Tom nodded.

“You can leave now.” Toby flicked his wrist to send Tom out of the room.

“But… There’s actually something else I wanted to tell you,” Tom uttered without moving from his spot.

Toby knitted his brows and stared at his assistant. “What is it?”

“Well… We saw Miss Reed and Mr. Lane hugging yesterday, and we suspected that they were dating, right? I sent someone to investigate their relationship, and the reports currently indicate that they’re not together,” Tom explained.

Toby’s eyes lit up in an instant. “What? They’re not dating?”

“Yeah.” Tom nodded. Toby’s stone-cold heart seemed to melt when he heard this news, and his expression softened as he continued speaking. “If they aren’t together, then last night…”

“Perhaps there was another reason for that. Why don’t you ask Miss Reed about it, President Fuller?” Tom suggested.

Toby pursed his lips. “Forget it. I’ll just pretend that I didn’t see it.” He was happy just knowing that Sonia and Charles weren’t together.

“Well, I’ll excuse myself now.” Tom was done with all his updates, so he turned to leave the room. “Okay,” Toby uttered with a nod.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was finally the day of Rose’s 80th birthday celebration. The party was hosted in the Fullers’ Residence. It was 8.00PM by the time Sonia arrived at the venue. She got out of her car and handed her keys to the valet before she took out the invitation card from her bag and walked toward the entrance. She passed the invitation to the security guards that were standing at the entrance, and the guard let her in after checking the invitation.

Sonia lifted her long dress as she headed up the stairs and walked into the grand hall. With his gaze fixed on Sonia’s slim figure, the security guard who had checked her invitation card removed his walkie-talkie from his belt. “Miss Reed’s here, Tom,” he reported into the device.

“I got it,” Tom replied from his end after hearing the guard’s voice. Then, Tom put the walkie-talkie aside before he walked to the lounge and knocked on the door. He was greeted by Mary’s smiling face after she opened the door. “Tom!”

“I’m looking for President Fuller, Mary,” Tom explained.


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