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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 507

Chapter 507 Rose’s Grand Entrance

With that thought in mind, the lady glanced at her bright red nails before curling her lips into a smile. “Well, since that’s the case, why don’t you go over to ask her what she’s doing here, Jean? If she’s here to please Old Mrs. Fuller, and if she’s trying to get remarried to President Fuller, then you should try to chase her out before Old Mrs. Fuller comes, right?”

Jean’s eyes lit up immediately. “That’s right, Christine. That’s a great idea.” Jean held onto Christine’s hand fondly. The smile on Christine’s face stiffened as she glanced at Jean’s chubby and oily hand on hers. However, she forced herself to take a deep breath and maintain her friendly demeanor so that she wouldn’t expose her true intentions. Deep down, she had a strong urge to fling Jean’s hand away.

Meanwhile, the other ladies sneakily held their thumbs up for Christine to commend her determination and patience for Jean. “Alright, Jean. Go on and ask her about it,” Christine uttered. “Old Mrs. Fuller might come out anytime now.”

“You’re right. I’ll go over to her right now.” Jean let go of Christine’s hand before she strutted off in Sonia’s direction with her chin held high. Once Jean was gone, Christine immediately pulled a handkerchief out of her bag to wipe her hand. “Disgusting! She’s so filthy!” Christine hissed angrily as she cleaned herself.

“Alright. Stop making it so obvious—you don’t want her to find out about this. If she realizes what we’re doing and throws a fit, President Toby will find out about us. If that happens, all of the other times we’ve tricked her and used her as our piggy bank may be dug up too,” another one of the ladies said.

Upon hearing this, Christine stopped wiping her hand and kept her handkerchief away. “Let me use the washroom, then. I’ll wash my hands there,” she uttered as she headed out of the hall.

Meanwhile, Sonia was standing at the other side of the hall, talking to Zane. Coincidentally, he had arrived at the party shortly after Sonia walked in, and he approached her to chat once he saw her. Furthermore, since Rose, Charles, and Charles’ parents were nowhere to be seen, and since Sonia wasn’t in the mood to meet new people, she thought Zane had arrived at the perfect time. She could relieve her boredom while not having to meet someone new.

“Jean’s coming over,” Zane uttered as he spotted Jean’s figure from the corner of his eye. He frowned as he gave Sonia a reminder. “She’s walking over in a really aggressive manner, so I don’t think she’s up to any good.”

“I can tell,” Sonia muttered as she swirled her wine glass. After taking a brief glance at Jean, Sonia took a sip out of her glass. She didn’t look threatened by Jean’s arrival at all. Once Jean arrived in front of Sonia, she stood with her legs slightly apart before she put her hands on her waist. With her plump figure and her large stance, she looked like a huge ball—it was an amusing sight to the people around her.

Sonia even caught a few guests snickering as they stole glances at Jean. However, Jean didn’t seem to realize any of this as her angry glare was fixed solely on Sonia. “This is the Fuller Family’s party. What are you doing here? Did you sneak in?”

Does she think I crashed Old Mrs. Fuller’s party? Sonia knitted her brows. She was about to speak when Zane interrupted in a hostile tone. “I don’t think it’s right of you to say that, Madam White. The security outside at the entrance is so strict, so who could possibly sneak into a place like this? Why don’t you tell us how she sneaked in?”

“You—” Jean glared at him, but she was too afraid to do anything to him. Zane came from a family of officials, after all. Even the wealthiest people in their circle were afraid to go against government officials, let alone someone like Jean, who was from a regular family. In comparison to the richer people, Jean was naturally more fearful of those who were officials. Even though she had lived with the Fuller Family and enjoyed the life of a wealthy person for more than ten years, she still couldn’t get rid of her fear for people like the Colemans.

Therefore, Jean had no choice but to hold herself back, although she was displeased by Zane’s attitude toward her. She directed all of her anger toward Sonia instead. “Tell me! How did you get in here? If you don’t explain yourself now, I’m going to get the guards to send you out!” She pointed at Sonia.

“I was invited, of course.” Sonia glanced at Jean’s stubby finger as she spoke in an icy tone. “How else do you think I managed to come in?”

“Did you say you were invited?” Jean scoffed. “You must be lying. Why would the Fuller Family invite you? You’re not related to us in any way.”


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