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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 736


Chapter 736 Rina Pokes Around

Sonia was caught by surprise. She kept quiet for a while, then she asked shakily, “I thought it’s all luck.”

“Some part of it is, but a big part of it depends on the kind of body you have.” Tim capped his pen.

Sonia looked down and touched her belly. Wow, so I can get pregnant easily? I thought that’s a myth.

Tim noticed Sonia was looking crestfallen, and he leaned against his chair. “What is it? Aren’t you happy? A lot of women wish they could get pregnant easily.”

Sonia forced a smile even though she felt down. “No. I can’t really accept this for now.” I get pregnant easily. That makes me sound like a baby-making machine. Of course I’m not happy.

“Why not? I thought you loved Rose. You should be happy if she can see her great grandkid before she passes away. Do you want her to leave with her final wish unfulfilled?” Tim adjusted his glasses.

Sonia pursed her lips, but she said nothing. No, I don’t want to. Dang, now I really have to have a child with Toby in three years. She massaged her temples. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Just give me the prescription.”

“Done.” Tim pointed at the prescription he just wrote.

Sonia looked at it. What is this? Some scribble? I can’t read this. She picked the prescription up and stood up. “I’ll get my meds from the pharmacy.”

“Okay.” Time nodded. “Go, but I do have to remind you that even though you can’t get pregnant for now, please take some precaution. There’s always an exception to the rule.”

Sonia’s face was red, and she felt awkward. “We aren’t that far in the relationship yet. You’re really getting ahead of yourself.”

“You guys are adults now. It’ll happen sooner or later.” Tim smiled mysteriously.

Sonia took a deep breath. “You really love to joke around, don’t you? I’m leaving now.”

She left the office and went to the pharmacy. When she was about to leave the hospital after she took her meds, she bumped into another familiar figure. When she saw who it was, Sonia frowned. This is not my day. I ran into Julia when I came, and now I’m running into her daughter. I just have to bump into them no matter where I go, don’t I?

Rina was holding an expensive handbag and came over haughtily. “Hello, Miss Reed.”

Rina was wearing branded items from head to toe, and Sonia frowned when she realized that. For some reason, she felt angry about it. If she’s here, then that means Titus is in the hospital too. I guess it’s normal for someone with that condition to get hospitalized frequently. That was why she wasn’t surprised when she saw Julia earlier. But their daughter dresses up like she’s going on a date even when Titus is in trouble. I feel sad for them. Sonia nodded at her. “Miss Gray,” she answered coolly.

Rina stopped before her. “You seem angry, Miss Reed. Did I do something wrong? But I just got here. I don’t think I’ve done anything to cross you, right?”


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