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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 737


Chapter 737 Second-Hand Embarrassment

Rina came up with an excuse and looked at Sonia with envy in her eyes. “You said that I’m the real Rina because I did the DNA test, right? But my own father thinks you’re the real me just because he watched your press release. Of course I’m angry about that.”

“I see.” Sonia arched her eyebrow, and she smiled disdainfully. “But you’re barking up the wrong tree here, don’t you think?”

Rina snorted. “Who knows? You might impersonate me if you know about my father’s suspicions.”

“And why would I do that?” Sonia frowned. Is she stupid or what?

Rina bit her lip. “To bait my parents and take revenge on them.”

“You must think I’m stupid.” Sonia rolled her eyes. “Do you think identity theft is easy to pull off? Even if I can pull it off, I can’t do it forever. Sooner or later, I’ll be exposed. You might love to be Rina, but I don’t.”

Even though Sonia said she wouldn’t do it, Rina wasn’t happy at all. Instead, she was overwhelmed by fear. She’s right. I can’t keep this up for life. Someday, I’ll be exposed. She doesn’t know who she is for now, but she will someday, and I’ll be finished when that happens. Naturally, she feared that.

When Sonia saw her suddenly turning pale and horrified as if she had seen a ghost, she couldn’t help but wonder.

What? I didn’t say anything surprising, so why the shock? Sonia tilted her head to the side, but she didn’t think much about it, and then she left. She’s paranoid. Me, trying to impersonate her? How laughable. Only a madman would come up with that kind of idea.

It was already five when she came back to the company, so she cleared her table up and got ready to go home. When she was about to come out of her office, her phone rang, and she took it out. When she noticed that the caller was Toby, she smiled with delight and took the call. “Hello?” Sonia had truly fallen in love with him again, for she could get happy just from him calling her.

A gentle smile curled Toby’s lips. “Are you done with work?” he asked.

“Yeah. I’m just about to go home.” Sonia headed to the elevator.

“Great. I’m waiting for you at the parking lot. Just come over.” Toby rolled his window down.

Sonia stopped for a moment, for she was even more delighted. “What? The parking lot? Here? At my company?”

“Where else?” He chuckled.

His voice was sexy, and it sent an electric current up Sonia’s head. She tensed up, and her throat felt dry from all her lust burning within her. “Coming right over.” She hung up and hurried toward the elevator.

Toby looked at the phone. He wondered why she hung up, then he chuckled and put his phone down.

When Tom heard him laughing, he turned around. “What did Miss Reed say, sir? You seem happy.”

Toby looked at the car park’s elevator through the car window, and he answered calmly, “Nothing. She hung up.”

The corner of Tom’s lips twitched, but he said nothing. She hung up? You’re happy because she hung up? Are you mad or stupid? He looked at Toby, who was waiting for Sonia to arrive, and he shook his head. I don’t get men who are in love.

Sonia didn’t let Toby wait for long. She appeared a short while later.


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