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Bound by Vows novel Chapter 72

“But we have not received any ransom call…” Nikhil voiced out in worry.

We walked where she ran before looking for some clue, while nikhil went to nearby shops to ask if someone saw her

“I have filed the complaint Kabir… Don’t worry we will find your wife and sister” ryan said

“But how? We have no clue about them.” I said in frustration.

I am hell worried for Payal and Divya.

My phone ringed and I picked up the call…

“Sir I have sent you the location of other phone” he said and I hung up the call to check.

I showed the location to Ryan.

“Its an old industrial area…most probably abandon. What is she doing there?” Ryan asked me.

The more I thought the more I got confused. I feel its all connected. Can it be possible that they both are together?

“Let’s go there…” I announced

“I don’t know if it we are going in right direction or not but we have to start from somewhere” Ryan said and I nodded.

I just hope they both are safe.

Payal’s POV

I woke up on the soft bed beneath me. For a moment I feel like I am on my own bed but reality hit me hard when I remember last thing before I lost consciousness.

I get up immediately only to see darkness all around the room.

I climbed down the bed only to realise that my hands are no more tied. And it kind of relieved me. But I felt my body extremely weak that it took my lot of efforts to walk even a step.

Plus darkness not helping me much to search for an escape door. I slowly moved forward praying for some miracle and this all fiasco to be a nightmare only.

I stumbled as I collide with something like a table or so. It hurt my knee and I hissed in pain. But my concentration gone to other side when I felt someone’s presence behind me.

It made me startled, scared and feared at the same time.

I turned around to collide with a hard chest. I screamed when I felt arms snuggled around my waist. It was not familiar scent which calm my nerves always but a strange smell, something like cigarette which made me feel puke immediately.

“Missed me babygirl” Same voice which I dreaded to hear from many years asked me.

I immediately started wiggling in his arms.

“Still rebellious…hmm…I guess some habits are hard to leave” he said in my ears while I feel disgusted with his talk and touch as well.

“Leave me you asshole” I yelled at him but in return he clutched my hair in harsh way which made me scream painfully.

“I am always addicted to this sharp tongue of yours…” He said with a hint of lust in his voice.

Suddenly lights opened and I turned around to face my real kidnapper.

“Why did you kidnapped us?” I asked him ignoring his stares.

“Good question…” He remarked. I caressed my scalp as it is hurting like hell.

“Looks like you have forgotten that night. I will complete which left incomplete on that night” he again said coming closer to me.

Yes, I had forgotten about him or anything related to him long back. I was happy in my life. But him mentioning those things brought back that horrific night where he tried to molest me. A fear erupt in my head and I started shaking internally.

I started taking steps backward involuntarily while he started taking steps forward.

My body is betraying me as I find it hard to walk without shivering… I feel weak and tired.

“What did you inject me with?” I asked him.

“Nothing much baby. It will just keep you in control” he said coming closer to me.

He pushed me and I fall flat on the bed.

“Akhil, I am telling you stay away from me…” I warned him once I saw him stepping on the bed.

“I have waited long enough for you darling… now can’t wait more” he said with lust in his eyes.

“For god sake, I am a married woman…” I cried out in frustration.

He lowered his head to dip in my neck while I pulled myself back but he slapped me again and hold me down.

“It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re married or not. I am going to cherish you tonight.” He said.

“My husband must be coming soon and I am warning you to back off if you love your life” I warned him just to stop his advances.

I feel disgusted as he touched my breast with his hand.

“I will get rid of him soon as I did with your last husband” he said while I looked at him with horror.

What does it mean? It…it means he killed my Avi?

"Noo...you...you killed my Avi??? Ho-w?? Why???" I asked with a big lump formed in my throat.

I feel i will die any minute due to stress and suffocation.

"Why??? He bloody moron ruined my plan and instead married you. I had planned everything for us and that bastard throw water on it..." He barked while i cried hysterically.

He lost his life because of me. I am the culprit.

"Why him??? I was the one who should have been killed, not him" i muttered while he sat beside me leaving me for which i was thankful.

"You know my efforts of many months came to halt on that rainy night when i finally able to get rid of him. It was fun to see him in full of blood. I wanted to make you mine after that. But, sadly it took me time to reach you and when i came back, you're vanished..." he blabbered.

"Can you imagine how painful it was for me to stay away from you" he said grazing his hands on my cheeks which i detest but i didn't stopped him as i am not able to.

Flashback of lifeless Avi started coming in my mind. The way he smiled for me the last time, the pain in his eyes was evident.

"It was only you in my mind when i was in jail... and when i, finally thought now is the time to claim what is mine, you fucking married again..." He said tighting his hold on my already bruised jaw.

"I am not yours..." I screamed at him after gathering myself.

"You're mine baby... you're only mine... and tonight i will show you..." He said hovering over me again...

Everything played again in my mind in a reverse order...

My happiness with Kabir, our earlier rift, our marriage, 3 years of loneliness, avi's death, our bonding, our sudden marriage and lastly that night from where it actually started...

I immediately came out of my thoughts and focused on the present situation where this bastard was busy in kissing my collarbone...

I pushed him back with all the force and as he was not ready for it, he jerked back on the bed.

I immediately get up on my foot which was actually a task for me..

"Don't you dare to touch me, you murderer. You killed my avi..." I said with the hoarse voice due to pain and rage.

Chapter-72 1

Chapter-72 2


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