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Bound by Vows novel Chapter 73

After crossing the track, Divya was still in guilt and terror as she left Payal in their hands.

Tears were flowing from her eyes but she decided to move further in search of some help.

After climbing the little sloppy way, she reached the highway. The silence of the night with secluded road bring back the deepest fear back in divya. She chanted the name of god while walking slowly in search of someone.

Soon she found the car coming from opposite side. She waved her hand to stop the car, so that they could help her.

A SUV stopped infront of her partly blocking her view to see the person inside the car due to the headlights.

Soon she heard the voice when he get down from the car but instead of relieving her, it intensify her worry.

"What a sexy beauty like you doing alone on the highway" man asked in his slurry drunken voice which alerted her.

"I...i..." She was unable to speak seeing the man's eyes roaming up and down on her body.

"Come with me, I will drop you wherever you want..." He said gripping her wrist in his hand.

"Excuse me, i don't need your help. Thank you" Divya said removing her hand from his grip.

She turned around to walk away from him but he stopped her by placing his hand on her shoulder.

She trembled when he started speaking again.

"Why are you fearing dear. We can have little fun on this deserted road. What say?" He said while her eyes widened at what he suggested.

She started walking again to avoid him when she heard the voice of something ripping. She clutched her dress on her bossom to keep it intact as the same was apart from shoulder.

"Oops" she heard the stranger say.

When she sensed him to tighten his grip on her waist, she kicked him in the process and started running in the opposite direction.

"Stop...beauty...you cannot run away..." She heard the voice of the man coming behind her.

Tears started flowing from her eyes. As she thought today is not her day. She learnt the biggest truth of her existence. Plus the kidnapping and the guilt in her heart to leave behind Payal was taking a toll on her.

She looked behind to see that man running her and not so far from her.

In all this, she missed the car coming from the opposite side and when she looked ahead, it was too late to respond. She was about to collide with the car but the car owner put the break on last second.

Sensing the presence of another car, the drunk man ran away from there.

She sat down on the road clutching her knees to her chest and started crying profusely as she feared it to be another hooligan.

She sensed someone touching her shoulder and she shouted in fear.

"Please... please leave me..." She said pleading the another person to leave her alone.

"Divya..." She heard a very familiar voice and raised her head to check whether its her hallucination or someone is actually here to save her.

"Ni...nikhil..." She screamed in utmost joy and flung into his arms crying profusely.

She couldn't believe her eyes and her fate.

"My tiger, are you fine?" Nikhil asked her caressing her back to soothe her pain.

She laughed in her cry as she heard this endearment from him after a long time. From many months, she was craving for his touch, his love and his endearment which were exclusively for her.

Nikhil saw her ripped clothes and offered her his jacket while fuming in anger. His possessiveness was evident in his eyes. He wanted to rip apart those hands who touched her.

"Nikhil, we are getting late..." Kabir came out of the car when it took nikhil long time to check the person who came in front of their car from nowhere, but soon frowned seeing a girl clinging to his arms.

Divya parted from nikhil when she heard her brother's voice.

"Bhai..." Divya stood up in haste to reach him.

"Divi???" Kabir was shocked to find divi there when she hugged him with all her strength.

He hugged her but his eyes were roaming around searching for his beloved wife. He concluded since divya is here, Payal would be nearby. But he was still unaware about the danger his love was.

"Where is di, divya?" Nikhil asked her what kabir was about to shoot.

Suddenly divya came out of her happy bubble since she realised that Payal is still in danger.

"Bhai, please save bhabhi..." She said fearing for the worst.

Her words worried the Kabir more.

"We have traced their location. Lets move faster." Ryan said coming out of the car.

It took them sometime to get the exact location of Divya's phone. Though the number was switched off from an hour but they made an vague assumption that they would be still be on the exact location.

They all sit inside the car. Ryan was driving the car whereas nikhil was sitting on the passenger seat glancing behind at scared Divya who was narrating everything to them. How she got kidnapped, how they reached Payal through her and lastly how they were able to distract goons making an excuse of washroom.

"It seems like the kidnapper has some old scores with Mrs. Khurana. Divya was only the passage to lure Payal into his trap." Ryan concluded while Kabir clenched his fist to control his anger.

"How can you leave behind, your sister-in-law alone in their claws" Kabir accused divya.

"I...i didn't wanted to...Bhabhi made me her swear...i...i" she stammered a lot as she saw her brother's angry side.

Not that she was at fault but the guilt in her heart intensify with the accusation coming from her brother.

"Neither you run away from home for some silly reason nor they able to kidnap you or Payal. I will not forgive you, if anything happen to my wife" Kabir said in anger.

Divya didn't disclosed the reason in front of little audiences as it was their personal matter. Kabir was unaware about the ordeal his sister faced today. He kind of got selfish infront of his love and concern for his wife that he overlooked his sister's grief.

On other hand, he was sure it was akhil who kidnapped Payal. He wanted to kill that bastard with his bare hands.

Soon they reached the warehouse where they kept Divya and Payal earlier.

"A team of police will be reached here anytime. Till then, i will go and check the situation. You all sit in the car for a while" Ryan concluded the plan.

"I am also coming." Both Nikhil and kabir said at the same time.

"No, it's dangerous for you both..." Ryan denied.

"Nikhil will stay here with Divya and I will be coming with you" Kabir announced.

Seeing his firm decision, ryan nodded his head.

After they left the car, silence erupted in the car. Nikhil was worried for his sister's well-being.

"Do...do you also think that i am responsible for Payal bhabhi's ordeal?" Divya asked in pleading voice.

It was evident that Kabir's accusation broke her heart. Now she was expecting her love to atleast believe her.

Sometimes small words from your loved ones can make you as well as break you.

"I believe you Divya..." Nikhil uttered those words emerging a wave of relief in Divya.

Chapter-73 1

Chapter-73 2


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