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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Marqui me stared at the photos, her face reddening, “Where did you get these?”

Your phone isn’t going to be fixed anytime soon and I didn’t want you to wait impatiently I figured since Lisette has an affair with Garnett, it’s not just About kosing So I got the Winston family’s address. I went there yesterday and watched them for a while. Once Lisette stepped out, I followed and you wouldn’t believe how easily I got these shots!”

The photos were explicit, as expl cr; as they could get

Marguerite turned to Miley. “How tid you get these? These are crystal clear”

“What do you think my job is? I’m, a private investigator Binoculars, high-powered DSLR, I used everything that could be helpful. If I couldn’t yet these would have been a stap in my face

Marguerite swiftly shuffled through the photos, she had thought that Lisette was just hooking up with Garnett momentarily to pave the way for Maurice Now seemed, it wasn’t that simple.

They must have been maintaining a long-term relationship, otherwise why would Garnett choose to cooperate with Fragrance Finesse, even if it meant offending Frederick?

Marguerite suddenly dropped the photos, looking up at Miley, “Do you know any hackers who could infiltrate Fragrance Finesse’s official website?” Miley was shocked, “You’re not thinking of posting these photos on Fragrance Finesse Ltd.’s official website, are you?”

Mate nodded, rot saying a word.

However, Miley instantly denied Marguerite’s idea, “Maurice’s company is so big, do you think an average hacker could break in? You’d be better off handing these photos to Mr. Winston!”

The trought of Frederick made Marguerite’s face fill with disdain:

“Not even two minutes after the announcement last night, Yuna fell ill. He’s probably going to be running to the hospital every day. It’s better not to bother him. I’ll find someone to release the photos”

“Arent you afraid Lisette will cause trouble if you release these photos?”

“1 can’t worry about that now. Jocelyn took a slap for me today, my heart aches for her. I don’t want her to suffer anymore, I want to help her.”

Lisette is Maurice’s mother, a fact known to all

As long as these photos were made public, Fragrance Finesse would definitely be hit hard, and Lisette’s days in the Winston family wouldn’t be good


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