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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Kent straightened his back, shaking of Robert’s hand. “Stop disturbing inel

Robert gave a smile, trying to appease him, “Alright, alright, Mr. Kent, I just want to know how’s the phone fix going? Any progressin

Kent cracked a smile hearing this but then his expression changed to one of difficulty. He waved his hand, his facial muscles all knitted together

Mr Fitzgerald, your friend’s phone is quite peculiar Is this really a girls phone?”

Robert was confused, “What’s the problem?”

Kent sighed heavily, “Her phone has a very professional anti-spy system installed. Once pictures are deleted, it’s very difficult to recover them”

“Anti-spy system? Built-in?”

Kent shook his head, “No, the built-in anti-spy system can’t reach this level can tell this one was installed separately

Installed separately? Could it be that Miley’s best friend installed it herself?

That wouldn’t make sense

If she’d installed it herself, she’d know that once the pictures were deleted, they could not be recovered, and she certainly wouldn’t have asked Miley for help

Robert pondered this for a while, then asked, “What about text messages? Or call logs? Are those also hard to recover?”

“Text messages and call logs are the same as the photo album. They can be recovered, but it will take some time.”

When this phone was returned, its content was squeaky clean. Not only was the photo album empty, but any trace of the owner’s social circle, like text messages and call logs, had been wiped clean.

Robert was eager to find out who Miley’s best friend was. He was anxious, and he was also worried that Miley was anxious.

He paused, took out his own phone, and walked away to call Miley

“Miley, recovering the photos on the phone isn’t easy. It might take some more time

At that moment, Miley was at home painting her toenails. Upon hearing Roberts words, she was taken aback, then remembered why Marguerite’s photo album was important. It was because she had secretly taken pictures of Lisettes affair


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