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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384 

Hayes’ eyes widened as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lollipop, offering it straight out to Marguerite. 

For me?” 

Hayes nodded, pushing the candy into her hand before she could respond. 

Marguerite was startled by the boy’s assertiveness, but then her eyes fell on the bracelet around his wrist. Wasn’t that the exact one that Robert had given to Teresa? 

Marguerite twirled the bracelet around her finger, asking, “Is this a birthday gift from Teresa?” 

Again, Hayes nodded. 

Marguerite chuckled, “I’m sorry, Hayes. I didn’t bring you a birthday gift. Are you upset?” 

Hayes hastily shook his head and waved his hands in denial. Then, he saw Marguerite’s warm smile and paused, staring at her. His own grin spread across his face, 

His eyes curved into crescents, just like the moon. 

He liked her smile. He liked her a lot!! 

Feeling shy, he quickly scampered back to his seat and burrowed into Jocelyn’s arms. 

Jocelyn saw the blush creeping up Hayes’ cheeks and teased, “Are you blushing? Hayes, do you like Marguerite?” 

Hayes nodded, hiding his face in Jocelyn’s embrace, afraid of being seen. 

Through the gaps between his fingers, he stole glances at Marguerite. 

Across the table, Frederick watched this in surprise. 

Had Hayes met Marguerite before? Why did he seem so fond of her? Hayes had never shown such affection towards Yuna. 

Yuna watched this scene, and her face darkened. 

What was this little boy up to? Did he know something? No, it was impossible! 

She had kept her secret so well. Not even Frederick knew, let alone a three-year-old child! 

She had to stay calm! She couldn’t afford to slip up now! 

If Marguerite found out that Hayes was her missing child, she would be in serious trouble! 

An hour later, the tense gathering finally ended. 

Maurice held Marguerite’s hand, said their goodbyes and left. 

Jocelyn, dissatisfied with Yuna’s behaviour, tossed her napkin onto the table, “If it weren’t for the fact that you gave birth to Frederick’s children, no one would have tolerated your behaviour today. You’ve disgraced Frederick. If this happens again, I won’t stand up for you!” 

Jocelyn took Hayes and Manley and left. 

The room was left with only Yuna and Frederick, and Frederick remained silent. 

Seeing Frederick’s angry expression, Yuna wanted to explain but couldn’t find the right words. 

The ring of a phone broke the silence. Yuna took out her phone and saw an unfamiliar number. 

Without thinking, she answered, “Hello?” 


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