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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

Indeed, Yuna was the woman he spent years looking for. The bread she gave him back then saved his life, how could he forget such a crucial thing? 

Why did he forget momentarily? Was it because he had been completely occupied by Marguerite recently? 

So, was it as Yuna said? Did Marguerite have the ability to muddle people’s thoughts? As long as he was with her, he would lose interest in everything else. 

Frederick’s eyes narrowed slightly, his deep gaze unreadable. 

“Frederick, you promised to marry me, and you wouldn’t back out, would you?” 

Frederick looked at her, then helped her up from the ground. 

Though he was still confused about his feelings, he knew that what he felt for Yuna was nowhere near as strong as what he felt for Marguerite. 

But his promise to Yuna started fifteen years ago, and he wouldn’t break it easily. 

After a moment of silence, Frederick calmly said, “I won’t. I said I’d marry you, and I will.” 

Hearing this, Yuna’s eyes sparkled. “Frederick, can you unblock my number? I couldn’t sleep last night thinking you’d left me for good.” 

“I won’t leave you. Go home now, and don’t catch a cold.” 

Despite feeling distant and awkward, Frederick had to keep taking care of her out of gratitude and responsibility. 

Though she had achieved her goal, Yuna didn’t immediately leave. Instead, she extended her hand to Frederick, pleading pitifully, “Can you hug me?” 

Frederick paused, a hint of indifference flashed in his eyes, but he stepped forward and wrapped one arm around Yuna. 

Yuna held onto his waist tightly, her face full of happiness, yet her eyes were uncharacteristically cold. 

She looked over Frederick’s shoulder, directly at the frail woman in front of the spoor window. 

Her smile grew wider, Yuna thought triumphantly, “Marguerite, can you see this? Even after what I did to you, leaving you mentally and physically exhausted, Frederick still embraces me without hesitation. He doesn’t love you at all!” 

Immersed in her world, Yuna failed to notice that Frederick didn’t put any strength into the hug 

She clung onto him for a while, only letting go when she saw Marguerite’s disappointed expression on the second floor. 

Frederick handed her the black umbrella he was holding, “Alright, go home now.” 

Yuna took the umbrella from Frederick like it was a prized possession, nodding her head coquettishly before reluctantly leaving. 

She stumbled a bit, feeling that something had gone wrong. 

While hugging Frederick, she seemed to have caught a whiff of Marguerite’s scent on him. 

No! More specifically, it was the scent of that light green perfume! 

Frederick never wore perfume. Why would he smell like that? 

Did he stay with Marguerite last night? 

Ugh, disgusting! Marguerite did bewitch Frederick with that perfume! 

Thinking this, Yuna immediately hailed a cab home. 

As soon as she stepped through the door, Zoe rushed towards her, eager to know if she had won over Frederick. 

But Yuna spoke first, “Mom! Did you manage to get the perfume I asked you to buy a few days ago?” 

Zoe paused, then she immediately asked, “The green one that Marguerite uses?” 

“Yes! Don’t even get me started! Your father and I searched every mall in Stonebridge City and we couldn’t find it! We even took the sample to every store, but they all said that this kind of light green, iridescent perfume can’t be produced domestically!” 

Yuna was completely stunned. 


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