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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Scheme

He absolutely would.

He was not interested in chess, but in Aurora.

Wenny gave Dominic an address. As soon as she went out, she called Saul.

“Do me a favor tonight.”

After Aurora left, she went straight to the Internet café, edited the recording, and sent it to the


Yet the paparazzi wasn’t very interested seeing it was related to Wenny.

“She is not famous. Nobody cares about her news.”

News of actresses eating with directors couldn’t be more common.

“What if they have other businesses?” Aurora raised her eyebrows as she replied, “At the latest, tomorrow night, I will give you big news with pictures.”

Aurora strolled around the area for the entire afternoon.

She was waiting for Wenny to make a move.

Until a black business car stopped in front of her, Aurora perked up. The person she waited for arrived.

A tall and thin man walked out of the car. He wore sunglasses, and his face was somewhat familiar.

Aurora looked at him carefully but did not speak.

“Ms. Bennet, I am Saul from the Buchanna Group. We met at the wedding.”

At Aurora and Zac’s wedding.

Aurora raised her eyebrows, thinking, “Saul?

Wenny’s secret lover was Zac’s business partner! What a surprise!”

She suppressed her thoughts and shook hands with Saul.

“Are you working nearby?” Aurora asked although she knew the answer.

Saul narrowed his eyes and said bluntly, “I’m here for you, Ms. Bennet. I have a deal for you.”

“I am afraid I am not capable of making a deal right now, Mr. Gates. You must have chosen the

wrong person.”

Aurora said, pretending to leave.

“What if it’s a deal that could bankrupt the Buchanna Group?” Saul stopped her.

Aurora stopped and turned around.

She thought, Saul is a partner of the Buchanna Group. He has a lot of shares in the company. I guess he would not damage his interests for Wenny.

Was he saying this just to arouse my interest?

Aurora didn’t have much reaction on the surface. Yet her mind was whirling. Saul didn’t look like a man who would ruin his business for a woman who was pregnant with Zac’s child.

Unless Saul was a fool in love.

“If you are interested, Ms. Bennet, let’s find a quiet place to talk.” Saul walked to the car and opened the door like a gentleman.

No matter what he wanted. He had a reason that Aurora couldn’t reject.

It would be easier to destroy the Buchanna Group if she had a helper inside of the group.

Aurora grabbed her bag and walked over.

She knew it was a risk yet she chose to go with Saul.

“Do you have some conflicts on business with Zac, Mr. Gates?”

Aurora looked out the window, pretending to ask unintentionally.

Saul smiled and said, “Ms. Bennet, you are a smart person. Let me be honest, Mr. Buchanna and I will part ways sooner or later.”

Aurora narrowed her eyes.

This person was even more difficult to deal with than she had imagined.

“Here we are, please.” Saul brought Aurora to a fancy hotel.

Saul had a gold card and seemed to be familiar with the hotel.

Aurora put her hand in her pocket.

Saul looked back at her, “Ms. Bennet, you can trust me. I’m standing in front of you, so you don’t have to record, right?” .

“Mr. Gates, what do you mean?” Aurora pretended to not understand.

“‘Your hand.” Saul’s voice turned cold as he took half a step forward. “Aren’t you turning on the


Aurora overturned her pocket, it was empty.


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