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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179 They All Have to Die

Aurora opened the door and saw Dalwin, who was anxious.

“What’s going on!”

Aurora asked and let him in.

When Saul warned her in the elevator not to record, Aurora called Dalwin.

Today, the last person she called was Dalwin.

Dalwin heard Saul’s voice and came over.

Dalwin frowned when he saw Saul, who was unconscious in the room and asked, “What did you do to him?”

“He drank the drink he poured for me. Maybe he wanted to put me down and send me to the next

room,” Aurora said lightly.

It was as if she was talking about other people’s business.

Dalwin looked at her and frowned.

What did Aurora experience in prison during the year? She was not noble anymore.

At that moment, Dalwin seemed to understand why Zac wanted to return the Cosmos Group to


“What do you want me to do?”

Dalwin looked at Saul. Saul now had high social status in the business world of Clouston. But now he

looked a real mess.

Moreover, he failed because of Aurora.

Saul was so proud. He should be very unwilling after waking up.

“I hope you won’t do anything,” Aurora said with a smile on her face.

“What do you mean?”

“I want to exchange Saul for the transfer rights of Cosmos Group,” Aurora said as she stretched out her hand

Zac, who came with Dalwin, was standing at the door. Hearing what Aurora said, Zac smiled.

Aurora was a natural businessman.

She knew her advantages and her disadvantages.

If Aurora couldn’t get tough with the Buchanna family, she could only play some tricks to win. Although it was mean, it was effective.

Zac did not hesitate and walked in.

“Alright, I’ll sign the contract now.”

“Then the conditions you said before will not be valid.” When Aurora saw Zac, she was not

surprised at all.


Aurora and Zac looked at each other.

Dalwin was stunned as he watched Aurora sign the contract and then left.

Aurora would go to the Cosmos Group tomorrow, and then immediately stepped up and made the Cosmos Group become a competitor of the Buchanna Group.

Dalwin took a deep breath and said, “I can’t understand why you got divorced!”

They understood each other so well…

Zac looked at Aurora’s signature on the contract and was lost in thoughts.

Half an hour later.

Wenny, who was originally waiting at home for good news, unexpectedly saw Zac at her home.

“What are you doing here?” Davis frowned and asked, “Didn’t I already send someone to inform vou that the Swon family has to reconsider the marriage between Wenny and you?”

Ever since Aurora came, Davis had asked around about the details of the Bennet Group’s bankruptcy. Most said that the Bennet Group went bankrupt because of Zac, and no one knew why he did that to the Bennet Group.

Shawn was not a profiteer. Even if Shawn had competitors in business, he would not go bankrupt.

Unless someone hated Shawn so much.

After thinking about it, Davis felt that he had to be careful about Wenny’s marriage with Zac. Or he

would be done.


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