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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20

His words shocked Nina deeply. This was the most private secret between her and Nash. How could he say it out loud? She remained cautious.

Scott was extremely surprised, stunned for a moment before calmly asking, ” How did you find out?”

Nash moved his mouth slightly, but Nina spoke first, “Mr. York is just joking.” She interrupted Nash directly, maintaining a smile on her face as she stepped away from him.

“I’ve been busy with work all these years, how could I possibly get married? Don’t overthink it,” she said to Scott.

Upon hearing this, Nash’s face tensed up, his gaze fixed on Nina with displeasure, lips pressed tight.

“I see,” Scott sighed in relief. “Well, that’s alright. I was wondering why I didn’t hear about your marriage.”

If she had gotten married, he thought, he would have known.

Nina immediately changed the subject, not giving Nash a chance to explode, saying, “Scott, I promised to go back to the company with Mr. York. You don’t need to see me off. You go ahead and take care of your business.”

Scott looked at the two of them, realizing that it wasn’t convenient for him to accompany her and worrying that he might delay Nina’s work. So, he agreed, Alright, then I’ll leave first. See you next time.”

“Okay, see you next time,” Nina waved at him.

Scott’s car was nearby. He opened the door, got in, rolled down the window, waved at Nina, and then drove away.

After he left, Nina felt the tension in her heart relax.

“Are you afraid of others knowing about our relationship?” Nash walked up to her, his voice cold in her ear.

Nina turned to him and asked back, Isn’t it you who doesn’t want others to know about our relationship?”

Nash pursed his lips tightly, unsure of what to say next, his eyes showing clear displeasure.

“I remember.” Nina was clear–headed. She wouldn’t act impulsively. She always remembered the heartless words he said to her on their wedding day.

Then she told him, “You’re very particular about this matter. Rest

assured, I will be vigilant at all times and not let anyone find out.”

He had said it before. But it sounded different coming from Nina.

Nash’s eyes sharpened, his voice cold, It’s good that you remember.”

The car stopped in front of them, but Nash showed no intention of getting in. His gaze was fixed firmly on Nina. He was very unhappy at this moment, but he didn’t know why.

Was it him who didn’t want others to know, or her?

Seeing that he was still not getting into the car, Nina asked, “Mr. York, let’s get in and go back to the company.”

Nash didn’t want to waste any more time, but his expression remained cold, and he didn’t want to say a word.

Back at the company, Nash got out of the car and walked straight ahead without sparing a glance at Nina.

As they got on the elevator, Nina almost got left behind, but she managed to catch the doors at the last second.

The entire company saw Nash’s

unpleasant expression and trembled in fear, watching him walk into his office. When the door closed, they heard a loud bang.”

Taylor was afraid and asked, “Nina, is Mr. York in a bad mood?”

Nina was also puzzled. “He was fine when he came back.”

Everyone knew that if Nash was in a bad mood, it would be a disaster for anyone. who entered his office.

Nina hadn’t forgotten about the clothes in her hands. She handed them to Taylor. “Please take this suit to the dry cleaner’s and have it cleaned urgently.”

Taylor took it and nodded. “Okay, I’ll do it right away.”

At this moment, Paris saw Nina coming back, still returning with Nash, not having been fired, and she pursed her lips in jealousy.

A She deliberately walked past Nina with a sarcastic tone, “Back already? Weren’t you supposed to quit? How come you’re back again?”

Nina looked at Paris, unwilling to show weakness. “I didn’t want to come back originally, but as you can see, I came back with Mr. York.”

The implication in her words was that

Nash needed her, so she came back.


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