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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Paris quickly took out the item from the bag and said, “This one. I was afraid Nina would be too busy, and since it was on my way, I had it brought back.”

As Nash looked at the suit that didn’t belong to him, his gaze became sharp. It was a man’s suit. Suddenly, he thought of Scott. It seemed that Nina and Scott met at the exhibition, and she brought back this bag. At the time, he hadn’t thought about what was inside. It turned out to be his suit.

Nash subconsciously clenched his fist. Paris noticed his expression, which

didn’t change much, but she knew Nash didn’t like to show his emotions. She

asked again, “Mr. York, should I place it here?”

Nash pursed his lips and suddenly replied coldly, “Put it there.”

Paris’s lips curled slightly. “Alright, then. I’ll leave first.”

After completing this series of actions, Paris left satisfied, eager to see how

much trust Nina could withstand from Nash.

Nash harbored some resentment deep down; whenever he saw this suit during work, it bothered him a lot.

When it was time to leave work, Nina entered Nash’s office. She should leave work now. She had promised to attend the class reunion and didn’t want to work overtime.

Seeing Nash still in the office, she

decided to inform him before leaving. As she entered, she thought Nash was working, but unexpectedly, he was sitting on the sofa, staring at her with cold eyes the moment she entered, giving her a strange feeling that he was waiting for her.

Nina felt that he was acting strangely today, but she didn’t ask much, just politely said, “Mr. York, it’s time to call it a day.”

Suddenly, Nash stood up. Nina sensed his puzzlement, but didn’t perceive anything unusual until Nash approached her step by step, like a lion about to pounce.

She instantly felt something was wrong and instinctively took several steps back.

“Mr. York, what are you doing?” She asked tentatively.

Nash’s face turned cold. “I’ve never seen you leaving office so early before. Is there something going on today?”

Nina looked at him. His expression wasn’t too good, so she tried to avoid him, saying, “It’s just a little something.”

“What’s the matter?” Nash asked.

“After work is personal time…” Nina began, but Nash grabbed her chin.

Nina winced in pain, furrowing her brows slightly as she looked up at Nash. Seeing the fierceness in his eyes, she felt uneasy. “Mr. York…”

“Are you meeting someone?” Nash asked, displeased. “A man, after work? Is that a date?”

Nina pressed her hands against the wall behind her, enough to support herself and not be oppressed by him. “Mr. York, you’re overthinking. It’s just a gathering. Besides, even if it were, it’s my personal matter. I hope Mr. York won’t inquire too much.”

With that said, Nash’s grip tightened

even more. He almost pressed his entire body against Nina’s, gritting his teeth. ” Scott? Are you that close to him, so close that you’re even washing his suit for him!

Only then did Nina realize and turned her gaze to the bag on the coffee table. She hadn’t paid much attention to it just now, not realizing it had already made its way to his office.

She remembered instructing Taylor that she only needed to deliver it, and she would pick it up after work.

“Who brought it over?”

Nash turned her face towards him again and asked, “You haven’t answered me yet?”

Seeing his menacing expression, Nina had no choice but to explain, “I accidentally dirtied Scott’s suit, so I offered to wash it for him and deliver it. Is there a problem with that?”

“Doesn’t he have an assistant? Does he need you to wash it?” Nash persisted.

“It was my fault, it’s just a matter of courtesy,” Nina felt he was being unreasonable.

Nash continued, “You seem too comfortable in front of him. It’s strange if there’s nothing going on.”

Nina pushed his hand away. “You’re overthinking it. Let go of me.‘


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