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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193  

“What’s the news on the Internet now? Since you love gossip so much, Hannah, why don’t you turn to work for some tabloids?” Jessica joked.

“I’m only concerned because you are involved! If it weren’t for you, why would I even care about it?” Hannah didn’t understand why Jessica was so not worried at all..

Jessica paused for a moment and asked, “I’m involved? What is it?”

“The netizens are saying that your private life is a mess and that you let other men stay at your place after making things up with Lucas.” Hannah paused for a moment and added, “They even said that you are pregnant, so you are looking for a dad for your baby. Jess, what is this all about?”

Jessica knew Hannah well. Hannah wouldn’t keep joking about such a thing.

Hannah’s tone made Jessica realize that someone had smeared her reputation.

“I don’t know from whom you learned that I am pregnant, but I can tell you that my period had just started yesterday.”

Hannah froze at Jessica’s words, “Gossips about you are widely spread on the Internet. Some people have posted photos of you, Caesar, and others, saying that you are ‘hunting’ these rich boys.”

Jessica now understood at once that she had been misinterpreted again.

“I just got off the plane and didn’t have time to read the news. I’ll call you when I figure out what is going on.”

After Jessica finished speaking, she hung up the phone and turned to Wendy at the side.

Obviously, from Wendy’s shocked look, Jessica could tell that Wendy had also heard of the rumor.

Seeing Jessica looking at her, Wendy quickly hung up. “Miss Hall…

Jessica smiled. “Wendy, don’t tell me you think I’m pregnant.”

Wendy immediately said, “Of course not, Miss Hall.”

Wendy knew Jessica wasn’t pregnant. After all, Wendy was the one who first noticed that Jessica’s period started.

“We’ve been on a business trip in Paris for the past two days. It seems that someone knows that I’m not in LA and has started to make a move.” Jessica smiled.

“I’ll look into it right away,” said Wendy.


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