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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 194


Chapter 194  

Jessica could tell that Morgan was cautious about his words. She then said, “Dad, I assure you and mom that I am fine.”

With that, Morgan let out a sigh of relief. “I know. So, who is behind this rumor? Whoever did this had crossed the line! You have to look into it.”

“I see, Dad. I will ask Wendy to investigate the whole thing. Dad, you and Mom should take care of your health at home. I am fine here. You don’t have to worry about me.”


Seeing Jessica wasn’t upset at all, Morgan felt relieved.

“Then I won’t disturb you. I just got off the plane. Don’t work too hard. Take care of yourself. Dad is still young, so my baby girl doesn’t have to work so hard.”

Jessica smiled, “Alright, I’ll hang up now, Dad.”


After hanging up, the smile on Jessica’s face faded a lot.

She turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window. After a long while, Jessica retracted her gaze and called out to Wendy, “Wendy, have you heard anything from Grace these days?”

Wendy paused a bit and then shook her head at Jessica. “Nope. It seems that Mr. Sandoval is sending her out of LA.”

Jessica nodded.

Jessica felt that the truth was on the verge of coming out.

She always felt that she had overlooked something, but in her mind, she went through everything that had happened in the past few months, but she did not think of anything special.

Jessica decided to forget about it now.

Sooner or later, Jessica would learn the truth. It was only a matter of time.

After collecting her thoughts, Jessica lowered her head to look at the screenshot Hannah had sent her.

The plotter indeed got something. Jessica was associated not only with Lucas and Terry but also with Caesar and Lance.


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