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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 518

Bright couldn't believe it, but he was very happy.

"Really?" Bright finally smiled. He had been down for a long time.

"Yes," Rose said. "The doctor said it has been more than two months. The baby is healthy."

Bright took Rose to the sofa and sat her on his knees. He held her tight in his arms and kissed her. "I'm sorry, I'm not a good husband."

He didn't know she was pregnant for more than two months, and he hadn't done his duty to accompany her to the hospital for check-up.

He reproached himself for his carelessness and felt guilty about not taking good care of Rose.

"Well, don't blame yourself." Rose took his hand and said, "You've got tortured these days. Your eldest brother passed away and it turns out that Ms. May is your mother... All these things are too much for anyone to bear at once, so I can understand you. And I know you want your mother to love you as much as your brother does."

"You're afraid to accept the truth, but the truth is that Ms. May really loves you. She had an unhappy marriage with your father, and divorce might be a way out. She couldn't fight against the Lee family alone and took any of you away. She also felt sad about it. If one day we also have to divorce, do you think that the Lee family would agree to lose Doris or the baby in my belly?"

Bright grasped her shoulders and said seriously, "We'll never divorce. I'll never agree to a divorce."

"I was just joking." Rose laughed at his earnestness.

"You can't joke about that. I want both you and the children." This was his bottom line. No one was going to set them apart. "If you want to leave, the children and me are with you."

"Bright, I know you are sad, but I don't want your heart to be occupied by hatred. I want your heart full of love, to love me, to love the children, and to love this family. It is better to love than to hate. People are happier when they love. Hatred only makes you unhappy. And I don't want to see you unhappy." Rose fingered his handsome face. "If you're not happy, I won't be happy, and this family won't be happy either."

"Rose, I know I was wrong." Bright cupped her face and looked apologetically, "I'm sorry. I won't do this again. Having you and the children by my side is my greatest joy. Nothing else is more important than you."

"Promise me to be happy every day."


Bright lowered his head and kissed Rose's lips. She closed her eyes, feeling his tenderness. All his love was shown in this kiss and she was the apple of his eyes.

Later, Bright read the diaries brought by Sky, on which May recorded her leaving of the Lee family and her solicitude towards Bright and his brother in these years. There were also some newspaper clippings from magazines and newspapers, as well as photos of the two brothers.

Seeing this, how could Bright hate her anymore?

He forgave his mother and everything went back to happy ending.

Rose shared the good news with Nora that she was pregnant.

And everything went well with Nora.

It took Nora half a year to put Nathan in prison, and he was sentenced to 20 years.

The Mills Family tried their best to reduce the life sentence to 20 years so that Nathan didn't have to die.

Naturally, the Mills family could find out that Nora was behind Lillian's back, so they saw Nora as a thorn and wanted to get rid of her.

When driving on the road for some time, Nora found that the brake of her car failed, and she could not stop on the downward twisting mountain road. Moreover, the speed was getting faster and faster, and she was about to lose control and rush down the mountain road. Nora was sweating and wet with fear, but no matter how she stamped the brake, it wouldn't work.

It didn't matter that she was dead, but she didn't want to see anything happen to her seven-month-old baby.

Chapter 518 She Could not Deceive Herself 1

Chapter 518 She Could not Deceive Herself 2

Chapter 518 She Could not Deceive Herself 3


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