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Come on Daddy novel (Bright and Rose) novel Chapter 519

When Nora heard this, she stopped walking. Her face became pale, and her chest felt strangely moved and warm.

She looked slowly back into Alan's deep eyes. There were too many questions in his eyes.

"Alan, I'm sorry." Nora pressed her bloodless lips and her eyes getting hot and humid. "I want to see him."

"Don't forget that Hazel is Mr. Moore's girlfriend. I am afraid Hazel would give you hard time." Alan strode over to her. Her forehead was wet with sweat from the pain. "I'll go with you."

"No. I can handle it myself." Nora didn't want to put Alan between her and Hazel anymore.

"Nora, whatever the future is, at least for now I'm still your husband and you're my wife." Alan helped her into the wheelchair that had been set aside. "I don't feel ease for you being alone."

"Thank you." Nora felt that she could not repay Alan for his affection. "I'm sorry."

"Don't say that." Alan pushed her to Oca's room. "I did it of my own free will. Don't think too much."

Nora held back her tears. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She crossed her fingers, and prayed that Oca could be fine.

Alan pushed her to the operating room, and Nora saw Hazel sitting in a chair outside the operating room.

She bowed her head and crosse her hands as if in prayer for Oca.

When she heard the footsteps, she turned over and saw Alan and Nora. Her eyes fell on Nora's face with resentment.

Then the door of the operating room was pushed open and someone was pushed out, covered with a white cloth.

Both Hazel and Nora burst into tears.

"No... no." Nora couldn't believe what she was seeing. "That's impossible."

Alan supported Nora, saying "You're pregnant. You can't cry, you know? It would hurt your eyes."

The more he said this, the harder Nora cried. "I would rather not have my eyes if only he could be alive..."

"Nora, you killed him! It's you!" Hazel walked over to Nora and wanted to slap her. But Alan stopped her. "Hazel, calm down. He's dead and it's no use wishing him alive again. Mr. Moore was willing to help Nora."

"Alan, you still protect her? She's not worth it!" Hazel glared at her brother.

"Sister!" Alan was angry.

"Don't say you don't suspect her relationship with Oca, or why does Oca keep calling her name?" Hazel's eyes were red again. "You know what I feel when I hear that? Every time he calls your name, my heart is like being cut by a knife!"

"Hazel, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," Nora kept apologizing.

"Oh, so you admit you have an affair with Oca? But what's the use of apology?" Hazel bellowed. "Of all the men in the world, why did you seduce Oca? Isn't my brother good enough for you? How can you be so shameless? You are already pregnant with my brother's child. You are my sister-in-law. How could you steal my boyfriend?"

Nora didn't say anything against Hazel. She just let Hazel scold her.

"Hazel, that's enough!" Alan could not listen to Hazel any longer. "It's all your speculation. Maybe Mr. Moore was concerned about Nora so he called her name."

"He's dead. How do you know that? Alan, you still deceive yourself?" Hazel looked at Nora with hate.

"What are you shouting at!?"

Then the operating room opened again, and the person being pushed out was Oca, with a white gauze wrapped around his forehead. There were some injuries on his body.

It was a surprise. They had all made a mistake. And they all felt grateful to see Oca was still alive.

Chapter 519 Sorry, I Love You 1

Chapter 519 Sorry, I Love You 2


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