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Contract With Alpha Logan novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Kael POV 

Over the last two days, Astrid was trying to elude me. And she succeeded. Whenever I tried to go near her, she would take offcrazy. He was forcing me to go near her


I knew I had made a blunder by sleeping naked with her. For werewolves, nakedness was hardly an issue because we shifted a lot and when we shifted back in our human forms, everyone could see us naked. However, that wasn’t the case with humans. They liked to stay in the confines of societal norms

Obviously, Astrid was spooked. I had berated myself for losing control that night, and I was constantly edgy with my wolf and others around me. How could I behave like that with her? She had just met me a few days back, and I lost control of my emotions. I was better than this

So when she would run in a different direction or not sit with me, I willed my wolf to stop making an ass out of himself. She needed time, but how much time? She had emailed me her plan to teach me math

On the second night, I just couldn’t take selfabstaining anymore. I needed to smell her because she was my drug. I needed to feel her body because she was all I wanted. Only then my wolf was going to settle

The night I had spent with her was the best night of my existence. It was the first time I realized I was wasting my life without her. Was there a way she could merge into my body

Do you want to go for a run?Toren asked, touching my shoulder. I had drowned a bottle of whiskey to contain my wolf, but nothing worked. He was an Alpha wolf with both parents being Alphas. What did I expect? He was a fucking force to reckon with. Containing him was like containing a lion in a cage

No,” I replied and closed my eyes. The three of us were sitting in our house. Tracy used to come here every evening, but she had been avoiding me for the past two days. Good, because I didn’t want to see her

Toren sat beside me. Kael, what do you want to do? I know it is difficult, but I can’t see you in this state. There has to be a solution for you.” 

There is no solution other than feeling the agony,” I replied in a low, defeated voice

Do you want me to talk to mom and dad about it?” 

I scoffed. And tell them what? That I am obsessing over a human girl, who isn’t even my mate?” 

Toren shook his head. Man, you need to get out of this slump. The team is suffering because of you and your mood swings. We have a main match coming up next week. If you will continue being sappy, we will lose it.” 

Aiden, who was watching his Instagram, suddenly gasped. Fuck!” 

Toren and I snapped our gaze at him

He continued to stare at his phone and then slowly lifted his head to look at me, his complexion going pale

What’s the matter?I asked, studying him

He got up. I think you should see it.” 

He handed me the phone, pointing at the video. What I witnessed left me absolutely stunned. A hand pushed a very naked Astrid into a swimming pool. She struggled to come up, but couldn’t. It only meant one thingshe didn’t know how to swim. I knew which that place was

Everyone else was laughing at her. Someone commented that the new girl loves skinny dipping. Two boys came to her and tried to touch her

The world narrowed

Adrenaline surged through my veins, and my vision sharpened

The bully’s hand, who pushed her in water his or her actions played in excruciating detail

Rational thoughts drowned by an overwhelming fury. Every muscle tensed and a low growl escaped my throat, building into a roar

Transformation into my wolf was swift and uncontrollable because he was driven by a desperate need to protect her and avenge

My wolf surged through the forest with his claws and teeth bared, ready to unleash his full force of wrath on the one who dared to harm her

Aiden and Toren were running behind me, and this time even they were furious

Tracy’s home was barely ten minutes away from my house by car. It took me three minutes to reach there. I shifted before entering her house from the back side. Picking up shorts from a basket, I sprinted to the pool and found her sinking to the floor


Kael!Tracy looked at me with fear in her eyes. She lost control,she supplied the excuse

I peeled my lips to snarl at her. Tracy balked. Why didn’t you rescue her?I growled and jumped into the water. Everyone else scurried away, seeing my wrath

Astrid had sunk into the deep side of the pool. I grabbed her hair and pulled her to me. Then I held her waist and bro her immediately with a towel. I started pumping her chest, praying to the moon goddess to bring her back to me. Thori flesh, scraping my soul. The pain of seeing her in this condition was so horrible that I wanted to die if she died

oren covered dug into my 

Her body jerked, and she vomited water. She coughed, but I knew she wasn’t aware of it. I checked her pulse and even though it was faint, it was there. I hauled her on my shoulder as Toren helped me wrap her completely and walked out of the area. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Nate and Briana running toward us. They looked like they had seen a ghost

Kael, where are you going?Tracy stopped me. It’s not like she is dying!” 

Rage erupted like an active volcano, and before I knew I slapped Tracy. She shrieked and fell to the ground with one hand on her cheek. Shocked, she looked at me through the mess of her hair

Stay away from Astrid. This is my only warning to you,I growled and walked out of her house

We went to Nate’s car. Briana and Nate came with me as Toren and Aiden nodded, saying that they would run in their wolf forms via our mind link

When we reached there, both Briana and Nate had guilty expressions on their faces. Not that I cared. Briana said, Can we stay here with you tonight?She pleaded with me, with terror in her eyes. We’ll leave tomorrow morning.” 

I would not give her back to you,I said, and without waiting for them to speak further, I climbed up the stairs to take Astrid to my room

Once inside, I made her lie on the mattress and covered her with two thick comforters. Then I slid beside her and wrapped her in my arms. She was cold, and she needed all the heat. Through my enhanced hearing power, I heard Briana sniffling and explaining that they didn’t know what was happening because no one informed them. It was Nate who discovered that something was happening at the poolside. But by the time they could come to save Astrid, I had reached


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