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Contract With Alpha Logan novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 

Astrid POV 

I was standing at the edge of the pool in Tracy’s house. The moon was casting an eerie glow on the dark, churning waters below. The night was unnaturally silent, with only a howl of a wolf breaking the stillness. A hand nudged me forward, Go on,” a soft voice murmured. You’ll feel better.Before I could stop it, the hand pushed me, and I plunged into the icy depths. The coldness of the water was like a shock that stole my breath. I thrashed desperately, my limbs heavy, but the water swallowed my screams

I sank deeper, deeper, deeper…. 

Astrid!A voice called me. Astrid, everything’s okay!” 

I clutched to his chest, my fingernails digging in his flesh. Save meI murmured

The nightmare shifted. This time I was surrounded by shadows that circled around me. Join usjoin usthey called me. Come, we know where your mother and father are. Join usA wolf jumped at those shadows. His dark eyes flickered amber. The shadows hissed and retreated as I screamed

I woke up with a start, my body covered in sweat and pressed by the weight of another body. I gasped for breath, seeing darkness around me. Was I alive

You’re fine,his soft voice made me snap my head towards him. He had pressed me against his chest, stroking my back, trying to calm me

Moonlight filtered through the window, falling on the bed and on his beautiful face. Kael?Disoriented, I asked, Hhow?” 

He said nothing as his Adam’s apple bobbed. You shouldn’t have 

gone to Tracy’s party. You were drugged.” He narrated how he saved me

Memories of what happened flooded my mind, but I recalled nothing after having ginger ale that Tracy gave me. My parents had taught me lessons about peer pressure. Not all, but some. First, choose your friends wisely. Surround yourself with people who respect your decision. Second, practice saying No, thanks.And I didn’t do either of that. I was desperate for acceptance, to the point where my logical thinking was tosses

But I remembered drinking ginger ale that she had drunk half. Was it drugged or was the food drugged? Did Tracy drug me on purpose or was it 

someone else

How will I go to school tomorrow?I rasped, shuddering at the thought of being a high school joke

He watched me with an intense stare and said, Just sleep. You’ll go. with me.” 

Tears welled in my eyes, and I buried my face in his chest. He wrapped me tightly in his arms and I don’t know why this was the safest place I had sensed in all my life. I just didn’t want to imagine what my uncle and aunt would say about me. What about my grades? What about my college

In the morning during breakfast, Briana and Nate told me everything and my cheeks heated red. I couldn’t look into the eyes of Kael and his brothers. What about uncle and aunt?I asked, wondering how I was going to hide the scandal from them

I told mom we are staying at Kael’s place for the night. She was surprised, but she said, Don’t forget protection,” Briana whispered

I shook my head as I chuckled, but I knew that a scandal was in the making. Suddenly, Nate grunted as he tossed his phone on the couch. Someone has posted your video of skinny dipping on Instagram!he mumbled

What?I squeaked, my eyes going wide in horror

Kael and Aiden were right beside me instantly as they picked up Nate’s phone and watched the video. They were so mad, I could practically taste it. Kael clenched his fists, his muscles going taut in tension. Toren came to see the video and mumbled curses

I spent last night looking at everyone’s phone and deleting the video!Aiden informed, looking at Toren. Toren was also there. We were sure that the video was gone, but I don’t know which fucker still had it in his or her phone!” 

I covered my face with my hands, feeling a wave of fresh embarrassment. How would I go to school now? And I hoped that my aunt and uncle didn’t see the video. I couldn’t help but cry, a sob escaping my lips. This is such a nightmare!I wanted the earth to crack and swallow me up

Kael held my shoulder and pulled me to him. Don’t cry,he said. And you are going to school with us.He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears. with his thumbs. Don’t back down now, because if you will, then you are letting your bullies win.” 

I shook my head. It’s easier said than done!Kael was the boy who I was distancing myself from all the time, while I got closer to Tracy, when it should have been the opposite

I know it is difficult, Astrid, but we are there with you,” Kael assured me. Please, just stay with us. I’ll check out who has posted this video.” 

It is from an unknown account,Nate hissed


Chapter 134 

Won’t be difficult for me to know!Aiden replied. I can’t believe that Tracy is behind all this. I guess misconduct runs in their genes!” 

I didn’t know what he was saying, but I asked, You can find out?” 

You’ll get to know about it in less than an hour!he said and hurried to his room

Briana called Uncle Fred and informed him about our decision to go to school from Kael’s place. In less than an hour, I was sitting in Kael’s car with Toren and Briana while Nate was driving Aiden, who was still busy on his laptop. Kael had informed me of Aiden’s extraordinary hacking skills, which was pretty surprising. I thought he was only interested in football

I can’t do this!I said, nervousness blasting in my chest. My body broke in a cold sweat

Kael took my hand in his and squeezed it. You can and you will!” 

I looked into his eyes and found assurance andsupport. Kind of deepsoul connection. I let out a rough exhale and nodded

We reached school a few minutes later than the time in order to avoid all the comments and stares. Kael, Aiden, Toren and Nate surrounded Briana and me as we walked to our lockers. The corridors were empty, but the classes were full. Taking a deep breath in, and waiting for the impending humiliation, I walked into my first class. And right there was Tracy with her friends, who stifled a giggle. She looked afraid of Kael and averted her gaze, glancing at me just once

It wasn’t Tracy or her friends who bothered me. It was the entire class that was snickering and giggling when they saw me

With my head low, I walked to my seat, with Kael following me. He glared at every boy and girl, silencing them in his own way. He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to an empty seat. Toren and Aiden sat behind me like my protectors

I didn’t know she would resort to being a whore,” a girl said in a low voice


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