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Cruel World novel Chapter 6


'Tina' Theo shouted and start running like a madman in the garage basement, his footsteps were echoing the whole garage and there was water in the floor which splash when Theo run on it

'Fuck! Tina, Tina where are you, I'm here, Oh god plz let me help and find her' Theo desperately said

Then he smells the potent blood odor, his stomach knots tightly, he knows something is wrong, then he heard someone whimper and painfully moans, he opens the door and saw tina lifelessly lying in the floor and her whole body was covered in blood, oh god it's too much blood

Theo screamed 'TINA!'

Tina body flinched with terror and then she opens her eyes and said ' Brother' so weakly

Theo abruptly kneel down and picked Tina batter and abused body that is covered with burn marks on her back and tina flinched, her clothes were torn down, Theo removed his jacket and covered her body, with tears in his eyes he said' Oh god, Tina, thank god, I found you, god I will kill those bastards who put their fucking hands on my sister..Tina stay with me ok Tom is bringing the ambulance in any seconds, I will take you from here, don't worry I'm here now, you are saved'

Tina coughed and slowly said 'Theo, I'm so tired, I want to die, just let me die

Theo calm her 'shh shh you are ok, I'm going to take you home'

Tina shakes her head 'no, I feel dirty, no I don't want daddy to see me like that, hell theo I don't want you to see me like that'

Theo picked her weak body and hugged her and cried with his sister 'Hey I told you-you are going to be ok, I will not let dad see you like this ok baby girl, just be with you are brother, then you and me are going home and then we going to eat that giant chocolate cake that  we always had in our cheat days' he said with a weary smile

Tina whole body shakes with loud sobbing and theo calm her down 'Theo is so hungry, I haven't eaten for days, I just want to sleep'

'Tina no, stay with me' Theo yelled but Tina fainted and Theo called her name again and again

'TINA' Theo woke up from the nightmare that he has been seeing from the day he picked tina from the hellhole, theo was breathing heavily.

He looked at his body which is covered with sweat and his heart was beating rapidly, he cursed why his baby sister has gone through such destruction and pain, he put down his legs on the floor and sit on the bed and put his hands on his hair and take a long deep breath then he heard some one painful moan and he saw Sarah across him laying on the already wear out thin mattress and saw her back from the backless night dress  and saw deep angry blueish and reddish cigarettes rings on her back , she must have turn back that let the fresh wounds to burn from the rough surface of the mattress, his whole body flinched when he saw his brutality on sarah pale body, looking at the sarah back,  flashes of tina back come in front of his eyes when he saw her hurt just like that and she was also in deep pain just like sarah, fuck he doesn't know what he was even thinking when he did that, all he knows that when Sarah took that psycho Simon name he lost control and act like that, he does not feel not once bad for her when she was begging him to stop. He was immensely enjoying it and wishing that sick bastard Simon was in hell, will be in such a pain like once Theo was when he saw his sister like that. But now he feels like shit, he is just like that asshole Simon, what's really a difference between him and Simon.

He watched the whole body of Sarah was constantly shaking in pain, he knows she is asleep but somehow the pain is not letting her body relax even in a deep sleep.

He automatically runs to the bathroom and opened the drawer and looked for first aid and found the anti-inflammation cream..he walked towards Sarah bed and kneel down, he was starting to put his hand on Sarah's shoulder when he remembers the word 'MAKE THEM PAY THEO"

He stopped and drop the cream and walked towards the balcony before he does something else and cursed loudly 'fuck ! what the hell is wrong with me, I shouldn't feel like shit, she deserves this , fuck she deserves more than this, she is the root cause of all the problems and misery that come into tina's n my family life, I will destroy her'

But still, the painful yet soft voice of his wife from the bedroom makes him feel something which he is trying to avoid. Don't know what God has a plan for him.

In the morning when Theo opened his eyes he yawned and looked at the clock he rubbed his eyes and saw on the bedside table fresh coffee, he was stun for a moment and saw Sarah mattress was neatly folded and placed below the couch, he stand took his morning coffee and took a sip, damn she makes one a hell of a coffee just the way he like, he saw Sarah come from the wardrobe room, where her hands were covered with Theo pressed office clothes and another hand has a bag that has Theo gym clothes, normally Theo gym in the morning in his home gym but today he is in the mood for taking a jogging. He saw Sarah looked down and said softly 'Good morning Sir'

He didn't reply her, he never did, then he saw her gently put his clothes and stand in the corner waiting for the orders, he looked at her face and which was bruised and saw her standing with rigid back and looked another way and said rudely 'Don't go to the dad's wing looking like this , covered your marks and put a smile on this ugly face , if he suspects something is wrong then you will pay for this and you know after yesterday night you don't want that.'

Sarah looked down and do not say a word and not even flinched, he gets angrier from her cold non-reply and said ' now get the hell out my sight'

She just walked away from the room

In the office he was busy with the work, then Theo looked at the screen where he can see his wife applying cream on her back and flinched and he closes his eyes when she made that sound, then he saw his mother enter the room and yelled 'hey you girl what the fuck are you doing in the bed who will clean my bathroom' but he says his mother stopped and make a voice like she is stun when she saw Sarah back, he feels ashamed of what his mother will think about him but when he saw her mother eyes's it was nothing, there was just curious how this happens

Sarah automatically turn and said ' Mrs Grey Im sorry, I was just coming'

'well you didn't and were did you get the ointment, did theo give you this?'

Sarah looked confused then she said 'I found this on the table and when I read it what was it for, I used it. I assume Theo has put it there'

Theo saw his mom came and took the cream from Sarah's hand and said '' Well you assume wrong, you will not use this, you should thank me I didn't tell Theo that you were meddling his things go clean my room'

Sarah softly said 'Mrs. Grey plz let me use this I'm in so much pain it hurts a lot, just let me apply it and then I will do everything you say'

'Shut up, you deserve this, I will not give you anything, now go otherwise I will go and called Theo how you are defying me'

He saw how Sarah become still and just put a cold mask on her face said 'Ok Mrs grey, I'm going'

She has been doing this since morning, he sighs that how once his caring and loving mother has turned like that after Tina death will he is worst of all. He closed the footage then he heard his phone ringing it was Tom, he picked the call and say 'Hey Tom how you doing'

Tom 'Theo is good, how are you, is the dad is going tonight?'

Theo felt tom tone to be little tense 'Yeah his flight is on 8 tonight, but what's wrong with you, you sound tense'

Tom sighs 'Theo it's better you come here for a few days, I found something '

Theo become alert and said 'What, tell me now'

Tom replied 'not on the phone, you know I'm working on 12 dec night thing from here too and my personal contacts come in handy he has the information that will be a big step for us to give Tina justice'

Theo took a deep breath when he tom said 12 dec night, the night of tina abduction, 'ok I will be there in the morning'

Theo was in the airport when he dropped his dad, the flight still have some time to go, so Theo and his dad decided to have coffee and wait till the flight announcement


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