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Cruel World novel Chapter 8

Chap 7


(Theo reached London)

Theo and Tom directly went to the person who has the stuff regarding 12 dec night... the night he wants to forget...

Tom said ' Theo he is waiting in the office but I didn't tell him that Simon sister is your wife..so keep it like that...we need evidence that can put Sarah in jail so calm down I can already see you so stress out that I'm getting tense'

Theo just nodes when they enter the office..they saw the blonde guy with small height

They shake hands and theo said ' Theo grey'

The blonde guy replied 'Evan shark'

'so can we get to the point what do you have' Theo said in a businessman tone

Evan shark just raised eyebrow and nodes ' very well, I don't how much this will help you but it's maybe important for 12 dec case'

He picked out some pictures n show them to tom and theo ' in this picture you can clearly see that Simon n his two friends were totally high as they are having coke here, in this picture you as tom said that you have already seen... But you have the half picture ...look at here... with Tina, there is a girl too.. whose face is quite blurred obviously from the cheap CCTV footage but I know the manager and some waiters of that club where Tina and her friends were having a party...'

Theo was feeling impatient and angry ' just cut it tell me who is the girl'

Evan said ' relax I'm coming there... it's Simon sister Sarah...it is believed, she was with Tina n her group all the time...I asked one of the waiters he said. Simon & his friends used to come here a lot even Tina n her friends also hang out there a lot but this girl Sarah come there for the first time...the manager dude said she was underage that's why she wasn't allowed in the club but Simon said that she was Tina friends n Tina let her come with her and you know what happened next'

Theo closed his eyes even he knows that Sarah was involved in Tina's death but still he wants that not be true...but he wants to proceed the next process and fulfil the promise ' Do these people of the club will give their statement to the court' Tom said

'I hope so...but right now I want to know another girl ...according to the bartender who was there at night, he said that he saw that girl to be fighting with Sarah but not the reason he knows'

Both the brother was surprised because they know all the tina's friend ..so who is that girl.

Theo Said ' then find out who is that another girl n also tell me about Simon's friends ...we never get their address n contact information ..'

Evan replied 'well according to the footage I saw Simon was the only one who was taking Tina to the car'

Theo closed his fist, said ' I still need that footage ..'

With that he left the room in anger n took out his cigarette n put it in his mouth .

He try to control his anger... Sarah .... he knew it she was involved n now listening from even it intensify his anger more n then he felt angrier when he wants her not be guilty ..fuck this woman is getting on her nerves, he was thinking that he will let her out of that damn room but no she will stay there and feel the pain his sister has to bear for days. Tom came and put his hand on theo shoulder and said lets go


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