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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 221

Maximilian and Victoria looked into each other’s eyes for a while, and then both smiled, as if they knew what each other was thinking about.

Both were able to see themselves in the other’s eyes, as if they were carved into each other’s heart. There was no need for any words now since the eye contact already spoke everything.

On the side, Walter goggled at this romantic scene, but was not able to move at all, or speak a word.

Fear grew in Walter’s heart slowly, and it soon took over his whole body and made his mussels tremble uncontrollably.

It just felt like a dream that how he was like the god here from one minute ago, but was now in hell.

The turn came up so suddenly that Walter’s brain could not adjust to the change, struggling to figure out where this powerful person came from.

He did so much to set things up, but right before he was about to succeed, things turned upside down completely. No! He could not accept this change at all.

While he was still in disbelief, Walter started getting worried about himself, thinking of how he was threatening and insulting Maximilian. How would he treat him now?

Once this thought popped up, it started haunting Walter like crazy. Since he was being awful just now, would Maximilian revenge him? Maybe he would just kill him? Or maybe he would kill him after insulting him first?

As his fear grew, Walter got scared of his own imagination and started crying.

Maximilian and Victoria who were still indulged in their romantic eye contacts got startled by Walter’s noises, so they looked at him.

Disgusting! Victoria’s eyes were filled with disgusts when looking at this disgusting human.

“I am going to treat him ‘well’, why don’t you turn around, so you won’t have to see those disgusting scenes?.” Maximilian said gently to Victoria.

However, Victoria shook her head and said firmly, “No, I want to see him getting what he deserves.”

“No, no. I, I will give you money.” Walter stuttered as he barely had any strength.

“Who cared about your money? You think you can solve this with money?” Maximilian sneered.

Walter went silent, knowing that money indeed was not enough for solving this problem.

“Tell me what you want, and… I, I will make sure you get satisfied.”

Walter changed his wording, thinking that he may be able to meet other standards Maximilian asked.

Maximilian picked up the knife that Walter was holding, then put waved it in front of his face, “I want your life.”

“No, no!” Walter totally panicked. His deepest fear was turning real. He was Scared of death the most.

“I, I am a dog… If you let me go, I will serve you like a cow in the future.”

Looking at the knife daggering in front of his face, Walter was really scared that Maximilian would directly kill him in the next second.

“Pts, weren’t you just courageous? Why are you so skittish now?” said Maximilian disdainfully. He really despised this kind of pretentious people like Walter.

Walter tried to put up a smile and said softly, “I am Scared… a lot. Please leave me alive… alive. I can mimic a dog for you.”

The Walter who was trying to survive now just threw all his dignity away, begging Maximilian to let him go.

“In front of Victoria, I do not want to make it too bloody, so I will let you live for this time.”


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