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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 222

“They are all my friends who came to help me. They are from martial art schools, so they are very good at fighting.” explained Maximilian.

Though they got confused, Dragon Sect Guards still talked along Maximilian.

“Yeah, we are his friends from Martial arts schools. We’ll excuse ourselves if there are no troubles here anymore.”

“You guys should go check your wound. I have a bottle of medicine here. Take it.”

A leader in the team put a bottle in Maximilian’s hand and winked at him, then left with everyone else.

Victoria took over the medicine, and then smiled, “Your friends looked interesting. Since you are so good at fighting too, probably you practiced Kung Fu before, didn’t you?”

“Of course, I could not be so good at fighting if I never practiced Kung Fu. We all used to be friends in one martial-art school.”

Victoria nodded, with many confusions dissipating in her heart.

“Let’s go home and apply the medicine.” Victoria dragged Maximilian out and got a taxi to home.

After they got home, they found Laura and Marcus were no there, so Victoria just pushed Maximilian straight into the room.

“Lie down and take the shirts off.”

“In the day time? Isn’t it inappropriate?”

“What are you talking about? I am just applying medicine on you, not eating you.”

Victoria crossed her arms and laughed at Maximilian’s funny gesture.

Maximilian finally took off his coat slowly, exposing those horrible wounds.

Victoria felt a bit sad in her heart, turned around and quietly wiped off her tears.

“I told you that there was no need to take it off. Give me the medicine, and I’ll do it by myself.”

“Don’t force it. How are you going to touch your back? Just stay put, and let me do it for you.”

Victoria immediately cleaned her face, opened the cap, and started applying the oil on Maximilian’s back.

“It might hurt a bit. Hold the pain for a while.” said Victoria gently.

“It’s ok. Just do it.”

Maximilian did not even make a sound when he got hit, so there was no way that he would complain now.

While gently touching Maximilian’s back, Victoria’s look started getting gentle slowly.

Inside the hospital at the same time, Walter was lying on bed hopelessly after the surgery. His arms and legs got boards inside, so he had to lie on bed for a few months.

Moreover, because of extra blood-losing, he might even have more symptoms later. However, it was already lucky for him that he got to stay life.

“How is his situation, doctor?” Nathaniel asked on the doorway unpleasantly.

He got here as fast as he could at the news that his son got stabbed.

The doctor weighed his words and said, “Because he was sent in time, the operation was going relatively smooth. It’s just that because of the extra bleeding and stabbing, he might have further symptoms later. He won’t be able to do activities requiring lots of energies anymore.”


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