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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 256

Jordan was a light sleeper. He could quickly awake up when there was a little sound even if he was asleep.

This was the skill he learned because of he was usually chased by murderers; otherwise, he would be killed by them.

Jordan noticed the television monitor when he was awake due to Nathaniel and the bodyguard captain’s conversation. He showed a disdainful smile after a rough check.

“Boss, is that your enemy? Your security guards are just a bunch of shits. You can give their salary to me and I will definitely serve you well.”

Nathaniel smiled and threw a cigar to Jordan randomly.

“It’s not a matter of money. As long as you can prove your value, just regard this man as your test.”

Jordan nodded and answered with a smile, “It’s such an easy test. You can wait to see me kicking his ass.”

Jordan was confident and was despised at Maximilian.

Although he could see from the monitor that Maximilian really had his strength, he was not competent enough to challenge him.

“Well, I’m looking forward to your show. If you can really kick that man’s ass, I will double your salary.”

“Thank you, boss.” Jordan stood up and tidied his clothes carefully. He was planning to win this competition to demonstrate his strength and value to Nathaniel.

Maximilian had already beaten all the guards in the monitor. They all lied on the ground as if they were dead, proving that Maximilian was really powerful.

Maximilian slowly raised his head, looked at the monitor and posed a gesture of cutting the head off to it with a smile.

Provocation! He was obviously provoking them.

Nathaniel suddenly became serious. The failure of Scott and the security guards all showed that Maximilian was a powerful man.

The captain of the security guards nodded, took the gun from behind, and loaded it with a click sound. He became confident when he was holding the gun.

No matter how powerful Maximilian was, he could shoot him if Jordan failed as well.

Maximilian was facing a martial art master and the master of shooting, so he could hardly survive, even if he was god.

BANG! Maximilian kicked the door open and walked in in a cold look.

Nathaniel sat on the sofa arrogantly, staring at Maximilian, who broke into the chamber.

“You really got something. But do you think you can win by coming in alone? You have stepped into the hell, and I’m Satan to end your life. If you don’t want to die, get down on your knees immediately.”

Maximilian sneered and looked at him in despise, “Who give you that courage?”

“Ah, young men are impulsive. They just act without thinking. We are in a big city, not a small town. Do you really think people around me are just security guards? Naive!”

Nathaniel pointed at Jordan, boasting, “This is a fighting master from Sakura Kingdom. He has beaten every master in his country. Do you really think you can beat him? He is the one who killed twenty master successors in one time.”

“You’re funny. If he is really that powerful, how can he be your subordinate?” Maximilian wasn’t afraid of Jordan.


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