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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 257

Nathaniel’s cigar fell onto the around and watched Jordan being stepped by Maximilian with astonishment.

Jordan’s ultra-command was so powerful! How could he be kicked down by Maximilian and got stepped on like a dead dog? What was going on? How could this happen?

Nathaniel didn’t even see his action clearly. He just saw Jordan rushing towards Maximilian with great strength, being flung to the floor, and was stepped on his face.

The captain of the security guards swallowed in fear. He thought he had met many fierce men, but none of them could compare with Maximilian.

He thought the gun he was holding was as hot as a piece of burning iron because it was difficult for him to hold it when his legs and hands were both trembling.

Could he really shoot him dead when he was in such a fast speed? It was almost impossible unless he was lucky enough.

What could he fucking do? He wanted to surrender at this moment.

“Mr. Stone, everything went differently as we expected. What about I cover you to retreat?”

The captain whispered.

Nathaniel’s eyebrows twisted because of anxiety. It was impossible for him to retreat! This was the provincial capital and he was representing the Stone family!

What would everyone think of the Stone family if he retreated at this point? The others would despise them!

“Shoot!” Nathaniel commanded in a malicious manner.

The captain was panicked, “I am afraid I couldn’t shoot him. He is so fast and appears like a ghost!”

When Nathaniel and the captain were talking, Maximilian was kicking at Jordan’s ribs with great strength.

CRACK! A clear crack sound came, proving that Jordan’s ribs were broken by him. Jordan kept screaming miserably.

“What is your ultra-command? Did you just say you will kick my head off?” Maximilian asked in a cold voice.

“Please, please forgive me. I will never say that again.”

Jordan’s life was under Maximilian’s control. Although he was filled with anger, he could only pretend to compromise in order to save his life.

He was sure he would definitely be dead if he kept on being tough.

He managed to escape under the manhunt in Sakura Kingdom; however, he had never expected to meet Maximilian, such a devil.

“I don’t have any ultra-command. I was just boasting. Please forgive me, dude. I will be your servant from now on. No, I will be your slave. As long as you spare my life, I am willing to be your watchdog.”

Jordan had given up his dignity. He wanted nothing but to save his life.

“Do you think you deserve to be my watchdog?” Maximilian stepped on his hands mercilessly.

CRACK! The sound of broken bone came and Jordan’s hands were smashed.

Jordan was almost driven crazy by Maximilian. He tried his best to beg for mercy. What did Maximilian want?

“It hurts, big brother! Just tell me what you want. I will obey every word of your command. I will apologize the way you want, and I will do anything you ask me to do. How about killing Nathaniel? It was him who asked me to do all these things!”

Jordan, who was pushed too far, started to betray his teammate. He would do anything as long as Maximilian could save his life.

“Interesting.” Maximilian smiled, “You don’t need to kill him. Just smash all his bones.”

“Thank you for giving me this chance, dude. I will definitely do this.”

Jordan bore his pain and struggled to go towards Nathaniel.


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