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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 291

There was a strong chill in Andrew’s heart, as the attitude of Taylor had made it crystal clear, but Andrew could not stand bowing his head to Maximilian and begging him.

Andrew looked at Victoria, “Victoria, you are a member of the Griffith Family, so you should stand up for our family at this time.”

“I’ll follow Maximilian’s decision.” Victoria said, holding Maximilian’s hand.

“Maximilian is a live-in son-in-law. He should follow your decision instead.” Andrew didn’t giving up persuading Victoria.

“But it’s a matter of significance. I can’t make decision for him.”

Victoria would certainly help the Griffith Family unconditionally, if it was before, but she was bitterly disappointed after experiencing so many things and learning the nature of her relatives in the Griffith Family.

Victoria was reluctant to think about what to do, and she just wanted to let Maximilian do what he liked.

Andrew looked at Maximilian with a bitter face, hesitating. Maximilian smiled, without caring about Andrew’s expression and his inner thoughts. What Andrew would do was insignificant to him. But Maximilian would not let the Griffith Family come down for the sake of Victoria.

“Master Stone.”

“I’m flattered. You can just call me Stone, or Taylor.” Taylor said with great humility.

Taylor, who should have been talking and chatting with great figures in his luxurious residence, was as humble as a grain of dust on the ground at this moment.

The current situation of Griffith Family was nothing worse than that of the Stone Family. Taylor thought of Stone Family, which was bitterly cracked down by Maximilian.

Andrew gulped. He was also astonished when seeing that Taylor was so humble in front of Maximilian.

“Considering your age, I’d like to call you Senior Stone.” Maximilian said with a smile, “The bank has stopped lending to the Griffith Family. You can deal with it.”

Hearing Maximilian’s words, Andrew was ecstatic, as he did not have to bow to Maximilian.

“I got it, Mr. Lee. I’ll contact the bank right away.”

Taylor took out his phone and made several phone calls. Shortly after, Andrew’s mobile phone rang.

Andrew answered the phone and said something, and then another call came in.

Picking up several phone calls one after another, Andrew laughed with great joy. It was the bank who called him and made an apology to him.

Moreover, they increased the credit limit for the Griffith Family, which was absolutely good news for the family with capital chain tension.

Glancing Andrew, who was in ecstasy, Maximilian then held Victoria’s hand gently and walked out, just like someone who did a great job but left without caring about the rewards.

Andrew, who was on the phone, did not notice the leaving of Maximilian, while Taylor had followed Maximilian out in a hurry.

“Mr. Lee, what else can I do for you? We, the Stone Family make an apology to you with great sincerity. Whenever our family can do something for you, we’d like to try our best.”

Maximilian said, “Just go back to cultivate your son well, and keep Nathaniel out of my sight”

“I got it. I have booked flight tickets to send him abroad, and he will go to Africa to do labor work.”

After saying these words, Taylor looked at Maximilian with great care, as if he was waiting for the final verdict.


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